
Creator: coderz1093

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stream feed listener

#Stream Activity Feeds

Stream Activity Feeds Listener
a service for building feed applications. This library can be used on any Dart project
and on both mobile and web apps with Flutter.

🔗 Quick Links

Register to get an API key for Stream Activity Feeds
Tutorial to learn how to setup a timeline feed, follow other feeds and post new activities.
Stream Activity Feeds UI Kit to jumpstart your design with notifications and social feeds

🛠 Installation #
Install from pub
Next step is to add stream_feed_listener to your dependencies, to do that just open pubspec.yaml and add it inside the dependencies section.
sdk: flutter

stream_feed_listener: ^[latest-version]
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Using with Flutter
This package can be integrated into Flutter applications. Remember to not expose the App Secret in your Flutter web apps, mobile apps, or other non-trusted environments like desktop apps.
🔌 Usage #
API client setup Serverside + Clientside #
If you want to use the API client directly on your web/mobile app you need to generate a user token server-side and pass it.
Server-side token generation

// Instantiate a new client (server side)
const apiKey = 'my-API-key';
const secret = 'my-API-secret';

// Instantiate a new client (server side)
var client = StreamFeedClient(apiKey, secret: secret, runner: Runner.server);

// Optionally supply the app identifier and an options object specifying the data center to use and timeout for requests (15s)
client = StreamFeedClient(apiKey,
secret: secret,
runner: Runner.server,
appId: 'yourappid',
runner: Runner.server,
options: StreamHttpClientOptions(
location: Location.usEast,
connectTimeout: Duration(seconds: 15),

// Create a token for user with id "the-user-id"
final userToken = client.frontendToken('the-user-id');
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⚠️ for security, you must never expose your API secret or generated client side token, and it's highly recommended to use exp claim in client side token.

Client API init
// Instantiate new client and set the user token
var client = StreamFeedClient(apiKey);

await client.setUser(user:user, token: frontendToken);
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🔮 Examples #
// Instantiate a feed object server side
var user1 = client.flatFeed('user', '1');

// Get activities from 5 to 10 (slow pagination)
final activities = await user1.getActivities(limit: 5, offset: 5);
// Filter on an id less than a given UUID
final filtered_activities = await user1.getActivities(
limit: 5,
filter: Filter().idLessThan('e561de8f-00f1-11e4-b400-0cc47a024be0')

// All API calls are performed asynchronous and return a Promise object
await user1
limit: 5,
filter: Filter().idLessThan('e561de8f-00f1-11e4-b400-0cc47a024be0'))
.then((value) => /* on success */
stackTrace) => /* on failure, reason.error contains an explanation */

// Create a new activity
final activity = Activity( actor: '1', verb: 'tweet', object: '1', foreignId: 'tweet:1' );
final added_activity = await user1.addActivity(activity);
// Create a bit more complex activity
final complex_activity = Activity(
actor: '1',
verb: 'run',
object: '1',
foreignId: 'run:1',
extraData: {
'course': {'name': 'Golden Gate park', 'distance': 10},
'participants': ['Thierry', 'Tommaso'],
final added_complex_activity = await user1.addActivity(complex_activity);

// Remove an activity by its id
await user1.removeActivityById('e561de8f-00f1-11e4-b400-0cc47a024be0');
// or remove by the foreign id
await user1.removeActivityByForeignId('tweet:1');

// mark a notification feed as read
await notification1.getActivities(
marker: ActivityMarker().allRead(),

// mark a notification feed as seen
await notification1.getActivities(
marker: ActivityMarker().allSeen(),

// Follow another feed
await user1.follow(client.flatFeed('flat', '42'));

// Stop following another feed
await user1.unfollow(client.flatFeed('flat', '42'));

// Stop following another feed while keeping previously published activities
// from that feed
await user1.unfollow(client.flatFeed('flat', '42'), keepHistory: true);

// Follow another feed without copying the history
await user1.follow(client.flatFeed('flat', '42'), activityCopyLimit: 0);

// List followers, following
await user1.followers(limit: 10, offset: 10);
await user1.following(limit: 10, offset: 0);

await user1.follow(client.flatFeed('flat', '42'));

// adding multiple activities
const activities = [
Activity(actor: '1', verb: 'tweet', object: '1'),
Activity(actor: '2', verb: 'tweet', object: '3'),
await user1.addActivities(activities);

// specifying additional feeds to push the activity to using the to param
// especially useful for notification style feeds
final to = FeedId.fromIds(['user:2', 'user:3']);
final activityTo = Activity(
to: to,
actor: '1',
verb: 'tweet',
object: '1',
foreignId: 'tweet:1',
await user1.addActivity(activityTo);

// adding one activity to multiple feeds
final feeds = FeedId.fromIds(['flat:1', 'flat:2', 'flat:3', 'flat:4']);
final activityTarget = Activity(
actor: 'User:2',
verb: 'pin',
object: 'Place:42',
target: 'Board:1',

// ⚠️ server-side only!
await client.batch.addToMany(activityTarget, feeds!);

// Batch create follow relations (let flat:1 follow user:1, user:2 and user:3 feeds in one single request)
const follows = [
Follow('flat:1', 'user:1'),
Follow('flat:1', 'user:2'),
Follow('flat:1', 'user:3'),

// ⚠️ server-side only!
await client.batch.followMany(follows);

// Updating parts of an activity
final set = {
'product.price': 19.99,
shares: {
facebook: '...',
twitter: '...',
final unset = ['daily_likes', 'popularity'];

// ID
final update = ActivityUpdate.withId( '54a60c1e-4ee3-494b-a1e3-50c06acb5ed4', set, unset);
await client.updateActivityById(update);
// ...or by combination of foreign ID and time
const timestamp =;
const foreignID= 'product:123';
final update2 = ActivityUpdate.withForeignId(
await client.updateActivityById(update2);

// update the 'to' fields on an existing activity
// client.flatFeed("user", "ken").function (foreign_id, timestamp, new_targets, added_targets, removed_targets)
// new_targets, added_targets, and removed_targets are all arrays of feed IDs
// either provide only the `new_targets` parameter (will replace all targets on the activity),
// OR provide the added_targets and removed_targets parameters
// NOTE - the updateActivityToTargets method is not intended to be used in a browser environment.
await client.flatFeed('user', 'ken').updateActivityToTargets('foreign_id:1234', timestamp, ['feed:1234']);
await client.flatFeed('user', 'ken').updateActivityToTargets('foreign_id:1234', timestamp, null, ['feed:1234']);
await client.flatFeed('user', 'ken').updateActivityToTargets('foreign_id:1234', timestamp, null, null, ['feed:1234']);
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Realtime (Faye) #
Stream uses Faye for realtime notifications. Below is quick guide to subscribing to feed changes

// ⚠️ userToken is generated server-side (see previous section)
final client = StreamFeedClient('YOUR_API_KEY', token: userToken,appId: 'APP_ID');
final user1 = client.flatFeed('user', '1');

// subscribe to the changes
final subscription = await userFeed.subscribe((message) => print(message));
// now whenever something changes to the feed user 1
// the callback will be called

// To cancel a subscription you can call cancel on the
// object returned from a subscribe call.
// This will remove the listener from this channel.
await subscription.cancel();
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Docs are available on
🔮 Example Project #
There is a detailed Flutter example project in the example folder. You can directly run and play on it.
Contributing #
Code conventions #

Make sure that you run dartfmt before commiting your code
Make sure all public methods and functions are well documented

Running tests #

run flutter test

Releasing a new version #

update the package version on pubspec.yaml and version.dart

add a changelog entry on

run flutter pub publish to publish the package

Watch models and generate JSON code #
JSON serialization relies on code generation; make sure to keep that running while you make changes to the library
flutter pub run build_runner watch
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For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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