
Creator: coderz1093

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stream language

Stream Language #
Check it out at Pub.Dev
A simple way to support your Flutter application, which from firebase with realtime database supports multiple languages!

Help Maintenance #
I've been maintaining quite many repos these days and burning out slowly. If you could help me cheer up, buying me a cup of coffee will make my life really happy and get much energy out of it.

If you want to do the control locally with jsons files, use this lib: multi_language_json
Getting Started #
You must first create an object with the following attributes:
var language = LanguageController(
child: 'languages',
defaultPrefix: 'pt_BR',
commonRoute: 'default'
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LanguageController is a singleton, after the first start, it will have the same attributes.
Child: #
The child in your realtime database that contains the app language.
In app example its likes this:

Each child of this node must be named in the language and iso_code of the country as shown in the screenshot.
DefaultPrefix #
Here will be informed the default home language when connecting the language of the user device does not have in the database.
CommonRoute #
Here you enter the node within the language that contains words that can be used on more than one screen as in the example below:

The first time you use firebase language you should do this:
final language = LanguageController(
child: 'languages',
defaultPrefix: 'pt_BR',
commonRoute: 'default'

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return FirstLanguageStart(
future: language.init(),
builder: (c) => StreamLanguage(
screenRoute: ['screen-1'],
builder: (data, route, def) => Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text(route['title']),
body: Center(
child: RaisedButton(
child: Text(route['btn']),
onPressed: () => language.showAlertChangeLanguage(
context: context,
title: def['change-language']['title'],
btnNegative: def['change-language']['btn-negative']
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From the next you start using only the StreamLanguage widget, the first one is needed because the first app should download all language and start the default language from the user's mobile language.
Widget StreamLanguage #
ScreenRoute #
This is where the magic happens, as a parameter it receives the screen route within the language node, see that in the code above is as:
screenRoute: ['screen-1'], in firebase it looks like this:

If the route were a node within 'screen-1' you would go something like this: screenRoute: ['screen-1', 'route_inside']
Builder #
The builder receives as parameter 3 fields: data, route and def
Data contains all node of current language.
Contains all node passed by ScreenRoute.
Contains all node passed as parameter in LanguageController constructor in commonRoute
Changing Language #
For this, every language node must have a child named config with the following attributes:

After that you can call the method:
context: context,
title: def['change-language']['title'],
btnNegative: def['change-language']['btn-negative']
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This will show an alert dialog like this (Language and flag listing is done automatically from the data passed in the config node):

To change the language programmatically, just call this method passing as the language prefix ex:
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