
Creator: coderz1093

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string tokenizer 1

A more advanced String Tokenizer than the available split() method in dart.
Features #

Splitting Strings into multiple chunks based on delimeters, and the ability to change those delimeters anytime.
Checking if the String has more Tokens, hasMoreTokens().
Use every Token for any processing on the go, while still having the non-tokenized part of the Input String with nextToken().
Can Tokenize all Input String similarlly to split() method, by using tokenizeAll().

Getting started #
dart pub add string_tokenizer_1
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Usage #

Longer examples in /example folder.

import 'package:string_tokenizer_1/string_tokenizer_1.dart';
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final input2 =
final objkt2 = StringTokenizer(input2, [':']);

final res = objkt2.nextToken();
print(res); // package
copied to clipboard
Additional information #

All information, source code: Github Repo.
All Contributions are welcome via pull-requests, please make sure to submit cleaner code, with documenting changes or providing a basic info for other users of this Package.
Issues, suggestions, are all welcome via Github Issues.

Please note that this package was intended only for a personal project of mine, there's a high chance of not contributing to this package later.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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