
Creator: coderz1093

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stripe checkout web

//How to use
import 'package:stripe_checkout_web/stripe_checkout_web.dart';
\n \n
//this function should be called at server \n \n
var sessionId = await getSessionIdFromServer(amount, currency, name, secretKey);
//this function should be called from client \n \n
await redirectToStripeCheckout(context, publishableKey, sessionId, onSuccess: {print("Success")}, onCancel: {print("onCancel")}, onError: {print("onError")});
\n \n \n
Learn more about checkout in Stripe docs
\n \n \n
In web, the website is redirected automatically to the checkout stripe url. And it will go back to the successUrl or canceledUrl defined on your server when creating the checkout session


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