
Creator: coderz1093

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stripe intent data

stripe_intent_data #
A new Flutter package to reduce the effort to write stripe codes for making intent
and get data from the API Like:

Create Customer ID
Get payment Intent Data
Get Charge Details

Getting Started #
Create an Intent
String stripeSecretKey =

var data = await StripeIntentData(
currency: 'EUR',
stripeSecretKey: stripeSecretKey,
).getStripeIntent('name', 'email ID', 'amount', 'customer ID if available otherwise null');
copied to clipboard
Get Charge Details
String stripeSecretKey =

var data = await StripeIntentData(
currency: 'EUR',
stripeSecretKey: stripeSecretKey,
copied to clipboard
Example to understand the uses cases #


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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