Subsearch 2.46.0

Creator: bradpython12

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Subsearch 2.46.0

Readme Table of Contents

Preview of GUI
Install from pypi
Clone from github
Install from MSI Package

FAQ Table of Contents

GUI Options Explained
Code Analysis and False Positives
Supported Languages

Misc Table of Contents

Reporting a Vulnerability

Key Features

Initiate a search for subtitles by simply right-clicking on a media file.
Search for subtitles in 70 different languages
Some of the subtitle filters are HI, non-HI, foreign parts only.
User-friendly GUI for easy customization and configuration
Available as a compiled executable, source code via GitHub and PyPI
The setup process is straightforward.

Subsearch is an automated subtitle downloader and extractor with support for many languages. It allows users to search and download subtitles for movies and TV shows with a single click from the context menu. The application features a graphical user interface for configuring options, such as selecting which websites to search on, choosing the subtitle language, applying filters for hearing-impaired, among other options.

Screenshots of the interface

Installation and usage
Install from pypi:

Install Subsearch by running pip install subsearch in the command prompt.
Launch the app by running subsearch in the command prompt.

Clone from github

Clone the Subsearch repository by running git clone
Install Subsearch by running pip install -e . or *pip install -e .[build,lint,tests,tools,type] for optional dependencies.
Build the executable and MSI installer by running python -m tools.cx_freeze_build bdist_msi.

Windows installer
Requires windows 10/11, probably works on 8.

Download the windows installer "Subsearch-x.x.x-win64.msi" from here.
Run the installer.
If you receive a PUA message, click "More info" → "Run anyway".
Run Subsearch at least once for all the context menu options to appear

Development builds can be located in the release action job, within the generated artifacts.

Screenshots of PUA message

More about potentially unwanted applications (PUA) can be found here on Microsoft's support page.
The following repositories provided templates, scripts, inspiration, themes, etc:

zavoloklom/material-design-iconic-font // icons
rdbende/Sun-Valley-ttk-theme // base theme
TransparentLC // spritesheet_generator.js


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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