
Creator: coderz1093

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subtitle view

Package thats fetch data from webVtt url and show it based on milliseconds.
Features #
This package allows you to customize the display of subtitle, like fontSize, fontFamily, color, backgroundColor and text border color.
Getting started #
To use the package, you will need to set a SubtitleController, that will receive the webVtt url.
After That, you will pass this parameter to the SubtitleView.
Other parameter that is necessary is currentTimeInMilliseconds, this parameter will show the correct subtitle based on time.
Customization #
You can change all the parameters of textStyle to customize size, fonts, colors and fontWeigth.
currentTimeInMilliseconds: 1222,
subtitleController: SubtitleController("webVttUrlHere"),
textColor :,
fontSize : 23,
fontWeight : FontWeight.w700,
backgroundSubtitleColor : const Color.fromRGBO(12, 12, 12, 0.6),
fontFamily : "Your font here"
Additional information #
Please open an issue if you find any bugs


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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