sudokuaspuzzle 0.1.28

Creator: bradpython12

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sudokuaspuzzle 0.1.28

Sudoku as puzzle
Yet another Sudoku, treated as puzzle and using custom numbering script.
This project started as a replacement (for my own pass-free-time)
when Gnome adopted a Sudoku that obscures cells when clicked,
making impossible to have a clear view. Numbers were also much smaller then it
should be and the size of a minimum board was a really big one.
Since Gnome is international, my thought was also to make it available
for people that are more used to their numbering system.
Most Sudoku flavors trait the game as a
magic square.
This one traits it also as a puzzle and it is highly customizable.
Numbering script
Apart from basic numbering script this package offers the ability to use either
the basic script:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

or one of the defaults provided:

ancient Greek numbers
Arabic numbers
Chinese numbers
Persian numbers
Tibetan numbers
custom numbers (by default same as basic numbers)

You can use any «script» you like, as long as the script consists, in Unicode,
of only one character for every number, by selecting "custom" and changing
the characters.
«Pieces of the puzzle»
You can customize the existence of a side bar containing
the «remaining pieces». These are the numbers that remain to be placed
on the magic square, in order to fill the puzzle.
You can customize most of the colors used in the board.

Background of an editable cell.
Background of an editable cell, if selected.
Background of a non editable cell.
Background of a non editable cell, if selected.
Foreground color for number if it is not valid.

And also

Picker background

All installed fonts are supported.
A ratio for the font can be customized from 0.4 to 1.0. This ratio is the ratio
of the height of character to the height of the cell.
Warning! If font specified and saved in configuration file does no longer
exist in the system, Pango will replace it with something probably
(but not sure) compatible.
Interface in Greek
How to play
The game is a classic Sudoku game. Fill empty cells in a way that no duplicate
numbers exist in any row, column or in any of the 9 sub-squares.
Place or change a number
There are three ways to place a number in the "board":

Move using the arrows to a cell and press the key that responds to the
character you want. If you selected the basic script then you should press
any number from 1 to 9.
Click on a cell and a "picker window" will appear.
Grab a number from the side bar and drop it in the cell you want.

Remove a number
If you want to empty a cell:

you can go to that cell and press the «Backspace» or the «Delete» key.
you can click on that cell, in order to show the «picker window»,
and then right click on it.
drag the «clear icon» from the side bar to the cell.

Picker window
Picker window will appear inside the clicked cell (if cell is editable)
and will make it current cell.
Mouse clicks

Clicking (left-click) on a number will change current cell
to that character-number.
Clicking anywhere outside picker will close it.
Right clicking will empty current cell and close the picker window.


Any key that responds to a character used in the numeric system
will hide the picker and change the cell to that character-number.
Escape will close the picker and will not change current cell content.
Backspace and Delete keys will empty current cell and close the picker window.

Key shortcuts
Start screen

Ctrl+c: continue previous game (if anyone started and was not solved).
Ctrl+n: start a new game.
Ctrl+o: opens options screen.
Ctrl+q: quit application.

Game screen

Alt+t: show-hide time passed.
Ctrl+h: return to start screen (will save current game).
Ctrl+q: same as Ctrl+h.
Ctrl+y: redo a move (if applicable).
Ctrl+z: undo a move (if applicable).

Options screen

Ctrl+h: return to start screen (will not save current options).
Ctrl+p: preview current options.
Ctrl+q: same as Ctrl+h.
Ctrl+s: save current options.


qqwing must be installed
in the system.

Most Linux distributions provide a way to install it through their
main packaging system.

Gtk >= 3.18 is needed to run the game. It should be preinstalled
in your system.

pip3 install 'sudokuaspuzzle'

pip3 install 'sudokuaspuzzle>=0.1.24' --upgrade

How to start application
Currently this package does not provide ways of running the game other
than the command line. Pip installation also installs the sudokuaspuzzle
«binary». So just type sudokuaspuzzle in a terminal.
Change appearance (both of the icon and the board) while dragging
a number or the clear icon.

qqwing's creators and maintainers in Linux distributions.
Some icons are from Gnome icons in UBUNTU 18.04 distribution.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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