
Creator: coderz1093

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suggestion input field

SuggestionTextField #
SuggestionTextField is a Flutter package that provides a text field with auto-suggestion feature. It's useful for scenarios where users need to input data from a predefined list.
Installation #
To use SuggestionTextField, add it to your dependencies in pubspec.yaml:
dependencies :
suggestion_text_field : ^1.0.5
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Usage #
Simply import the package and use the SuggestionTextField widget in your Flutter app. Here is an example:
import 'package:suggestion_input_field/suggestion_input_field.dart';

List<MapEntry> list=[];

MapEntry? mapEntry;

value: mapEntry, textFieldContent: TextFieldContent( label: 'Map Entry Details', ),
suggestionFetch:(textEditingValue) async{
return list; },
onClose: () {
mapEntry=null; setState(() {

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Example #
click here for example
Issues and feedback #
Please file issues and feedback using the Github issues page for this repository.
If you have any suggestions or feedback, please send an email to and we'll be happy to hear from you!


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