
Creator: coderz1093

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sunmi ext printer

sunmi_ext_printer #
Support Sunmi external printer, based on Sunmi official SDK documnet for Sunmi external printer.
Main Features #

Print text
Print image
Print QrCode
Print Barcode
Print table
Paper cut
Paper feed

left, center, right


bold, scale up in X, Y coordinate

Send raw data
Find bluetooth printer

For bluetooth permission, should be handled within Flutter App, for example, by using permission_handler

Examples #
Scan bluetooth for paired devices #
Set<String> _bluetoothIds = {};

void findBleDevices() async {
var res = await pos.findBleDevice();
Set<String> ids = {};
if (res != null) {
for (var i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {

setState(() {
_bluetoothIds = ids;

copied to clipboard
Print texts #

// Please **change** deviceID to the bluetooth address found by scanning result
var deviceID = '74:F7:F:FD:41:0D';

final pos = SunmiExtPrinter();
await pos.setPrinter(SunmiPrinter.SunmiBlueToothPrinter, deviceID);
await pos.connectPrinter();

await pos.setAlignMode(AlignMode.Center);
await pos.printText("Rubybear\n");

copied to clipboard
Print QrCode #
await pos.lineWrap();
await pos.printQrCode("");
await pos.lineWrap();
copied to clipboard
Print image #
var bytes = await rootBundle.load('images/logo.png');
var buf = bytes.buffer.asUint8List();
await pos.printImage(buf);
await pos.lineWrap();
copied to clipboard

Make sure assets are defined in pubspec.yaml

- images/logo.png
copied to clipboard

Make sure image file images/logo.png exists in the right folder.

[Optional] You may resize image before send to printer, in case too big to print. Package image is a good one to do that. E.g.

import 'package:image/image.dart' as img;


Future<Uint8List> _convertImage(Uint8List imageBytes, int? printWidth,
int? printHeight, bool invert) async {
var cmd = img.Command()
await cmd.executeThread();

if (printWidth == null && printHeight == null) {
printWidth = 256;

cmd.copyResize(width: printWidth, height: printHeight);

if (invert) {
await cmd.executeThread();

var bitmapBytes = cmd.outputBytes ?? imageBytes;
return bitmapBytes;
copied to clipboard
Print table #
await pos.enableBold(true);
await pos.printColumnsText(["Item", "Qty", "Amt"], [18, 6, 8], [0, 2, 2]);

await pos.enableBold(false);
await pos.printColumnsText(["Carlsberg Bottle", "2", "20.00"], [18, 6, 8], [0, 2, 2]);
await pos.printColumnsText(["Milk 2L", "1", "3.50"], [18, 6, 8], [0, 2, 2]);

copied to clipboard
Page cut #
await pos.cutPaper(PaperCutMode.FullCut);
copied to clipboard
Flush #
await pos.flush();
copied to clipboard
SDK Document #

Sumni External Printer SDK Document


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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