
Creator: coderz1093

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super list view

With this Package you can have a dynamic super ListView Widget allows to you:

less code to create ListView
scroll to load Items
refresh and reUpdate ListViewItems with pulling top

Installation #
Run following command at terminal:
dart pub add super_list_view
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or add this line to pubspec.yaml
super_list_view: ^0.0.1
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flutter get pub
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usage #
let's know what we need to build this widget:

listViewItems : a variable every time update with setState() It will stack to previous Data in ListViewItems so you should not add new data to previous data as follow. simple:if you wans show new items, just put new item in this variable with setState.

getListViewItems : a Function what load data and change listViewItems with setState(). it has just has one param page

page : what is page? its a value say to you, what you have to load from your api or etc.

SuperListView().build(): it has 3 params and rerutns your SuperListView.
a. context is your BuildContext for your View
b.listViewItems:your new items for your superListView
c.item builder: its a function has 3 params and returns a Widget which is your View per your items. we can see this function prams:

context: no need to explain :)

item: its your item for this index of your listViewItems.

index: your item counter

d. set: a callBackFunction runs when superListView want new
data. you can handle that just with a Function and its pareter is page what you can pass to getListViewItems function to load new data

refresh(): this method clear and refreshe your superListView.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/SuperListView.dart';
class ThisState extends State {
List listViewItems = [];

void initState() {
//get first data from api

getListViewItems(int page) async {
//this Function update and load ListViewItems from every where you want
//you have to update ListViewItem Variable here to effect to superListView with setState()
//Note: you have to just add NewItems to "ListViewItems",because SuperListView stack new data to old data
List res = Requst.fromSomeWhere();
setState(() {
listViewItems = res;

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: const Text('title'),
body: SuperListView().build(context,
(BuildContext context, item, index) {
//with this item you can access to data for this index of ListViewItems
retrun Text(index.toString()+ '. ' +item['name']);
}, (int page) {
//this function runs after ListView needed to load more data, its return page and you have to update "listViewItems" with setData method

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License #


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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