
Creator: coderz1093

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super strapi

A Strapi library for Dart developers should be used with package simple_strapi. with this package you can generate dart classes from strapi models and make basic find, findOne, count.. etc queries, as well as complex graph queries.
Usage #
Add as a dev dependency #
in your pubspec.yaml
super_strapi: <latest_version>
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generating dart classes from strapi models #
If you have a strapi project at /some/strapi/project/path, run the super_strapi like this
flutter pub run super_strapi -i /some/strapi/project/path/ -o /output/folder/path
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📝 NOTE: if you need to use the output with plain dart project use dart pub

dart pub run super_strapi -i /some/strapi/project/path/ -o /output/folder/path
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📝 NOTE: as not all packages from pub support nullsafety this command should be accompanied with --no-sound-null-safety flag

dart pub run --no-sound-null-safety super_strapi -i /some/strapi/project/path/ -o /output/folder/path
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Above command will generate dart/flutter project which will contain all the data models and helper classes.
If you have a collection type called Restaurant in your strapi project the generated dart project will have a Restaurant class, a Restaurants class with all helper methods so you could do find multiple with
final restaurants = await Restaurants.findMultiple();
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or find one restaraunt with
final restaurant = await Restaurants.findOne("<id of the object>");
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creating new restaurant #
final newRestaurant = Restaurant.fresh(/* set all the resturant properties*/);
final createdRestaurant = await Restaurants.create(newRestaurant);
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updating a existing restaurant #
///use copyWith methods to change/update values
final newRestaurant = oldResturant.copyWith(/* set all the resturant properties*/);
///or to remove a value i.e set it null use setNull method, use this method to remove a value setting null with copyWith method doesn't update it to null on the server
final newRestaurant = oldResturant.setNull(/* set properties null*/);
final updatedRestaurant = await Restaurants.update(newRestaurant);
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Graph queries #
Complex graph queries is supported in the package simple_strapi, but they're still complex, super strapi comes handy in doing complex graph queries, graph queries are always about stating required fields in the response.
if you a collection named Restaurant with references to some other collections named Country, and you need to query the restaurants which belongs to country named india, what you can do is
final query = StrapiCollectionQuery(
cllectionName: Restaurant.collectionName,
requiredFields: Restaurant.fields(),
//now filter the country
//use whereModelField if the reference is a single reference
query: StrapiModelQuery(
query: StrapiFieldQuery.equalTo,
// execute the query
final restaurants = await Restaurants.executeQuery(query);
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PS: more details will be added to this documentation in coming days


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