
Creator: coderz1093

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surrealdb wasm

surrealdb_wasm #

The Flutter SurrealDB WebAssembly (WASM) package is a powerful integration for Flutter, built upon the foundation of surrealdb.wasm, the official SurrealDB library for WebAssembly.
🔍 Demo #
Try out surreal_wasm applications in your browser:

Example App
SurrealDB Console

💻 Installation #
❗ In order to start using surrealdb_wasm you must have the Flutter SDK installed on your machine.
Install via flutter pub add:
flutter pub add surrealdb_wasm
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Alternatively, add surrealdb_wasm to your pubspec.yaml:
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Install it:
flutter pub get
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✨ Features #

[x] connect()
[x] use()
[x] create()
[x] update()
[x] merge()
[x] delete()
[x] select()
[x] query()
[x] transaction()
[x] set()
[x] unset()
[x] signup()
[x] signin()
[ ] invalidate()
[ ] authenticate()
[x] patch()
[x] version()
[x] health()

🏃 Examples #
Basic #
final db = Surreal();

await db.connect('indxdb://surreal');
await db.use(namespace: 'test', database: 'test');

final created = db.create('person',
'title': 'CTO',
'name': {
'first': 'Tom',
'last': 'Jerry',
'marketing': true,

// created['id']: person:b9eht8bie8abf0vbcfxh
final merged = await db.merge(
'marketing': false,

final tom = await['id']);

final deleted = await db.delete(created['id']);
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For more code examples, kindly refer to the integration test and the example project.
Transaction Support #
final result = await db.transaction((txn) async {
txn.query('DEFINE TABLE test SCHEMAFULL;');
txn.query('DEFINE FIELD id ON test TYPE record;');
txn.query('DEFINE FIELD name ON test TYPE string;');
r'CREATE test SET name = $name;',
bindings: {'name': 'John'},
if (somethingWrong) {
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For more code examples, kindly refer to the integration test of transaction.
🧑‍💼 Contributing #
Contributions are welcome! Please check out the unimplemented features above, issues on the repository, and feel free to open a pull request.
For more information, please see the contribution guide.

📔 License #
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
🗒️ Citation #
If you utilize this package, please consider citing it with:
author = {Lim Chee Kin},
title = {surrealdb_wasm: Flutter SurrealDB WebAssembly(WASM) package},
year = {2023},
publisher = {GitHub},
journal = {GitHub repository},
howpublished = {\url{}},
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For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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