
Creator: coderz1093

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svg to avd

svg_to_avd #

Converts SVG strings into Android Vector Drawable strings. It can be used through the CLI or as Code.
Getting Started #
This is a very simple conversion program. It does not support the full SVG specification, and specially css styles and the style attribute are completely ignored. Read more about the Known Issues and Limitations.
Programmatically #
Install the library using your preferred method.
dart pub add svg_to_avd
copied to clipboard
Then use the library, the SvgToAvd class only exposes a single constructor to build AVDs from string, SvgToAvd.fromString.
import 'package:svg_to_avd/svg_to_avd.dart';

final svg = File('file.svg').readAsStringSync();

// Will generate an interactive XmlDocument.
final avd = SvgToAvd.fromString(svg);

// Creates a new file with the converted value.
await File('file.xml').writeAsString(avd.toPrettyXmlString());
copied to clipboard

This library is not responsible for reading or writing files, and the user should do it themselves.

Cli #
To make the binary available to be run directly, first you need to active it globally.
dart pub global activate svg_to_avd
copied to clipboard
Then you will be able to run it using both svg_to_avd or svgtoavd.
Common usage:
svgtoavd file.svg
copied to clipboard
Piping usage:
cat file.svg | svgtoavd
copied to clipboard
Cli Options


displays help

The XML file to be created. Prints to console if not set.

Known Issues and Limitations #
There are a few known issues and limitations that weren't necessary for the use-case this library was created. While they were not initially implemented, any Pull Request will be appreciated. If a missing feature is really important to you, please create an issue with your use case.
Css #
No css is supported. It is quite complex to parse all the available options and then put them on the correct elements.
Style #
The style attribute is also not supported for the same reasons as the css, though it is technically a bit simpler.
Named Colors #
We currently don't support named colors. Should be simple to add it though.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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