
Creator: coderz1093

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svg to paint

svg_to_paint generates dart code from a svg file. This package is an abstraction of NodeJs package svg_to_paint.

Requirements #
Node.JS v10+
Install #
$ flutter pub global activate svg_to_paint
copied to clipboard
Usage #

Convert your xml svg in vector drawable (for example in

Type in terminal:

svg_to_paint source_file_path destination_path name_file command
copied to clipboard
Params #
* - required

source_file_path * - is the path of your file, for example (/Users/user/Desktop/file.xml)

destination_path * - is the destination path of your dart generated files, for example (/Users/user/Desktop)

name_file * - is the name of your file, for example (icon)

command * - represents the coordinates type of svg. You can choose absolute or relative.

Example #
Given the svg file icon.xml in the folder named test, we will generate dart files in the same folder.
svg_to_paint /User/dev/test/icon.xml /User/dev/test icon absolute
copied to clipboard
│ │ auto_painter.dart
│ │ icon_generated.dart
copied to clipboard
Generated icon_generated.dart:

import 'auto_painter.dart';

class IconGenerated extends CustomPainter {

final viewPortWidth = 24;
final viewPortHeight = 24;

String path0 = 'M,23.4,12.3,C,23.4,11.5,23.299999999999997,10.700000000000001,23.2,9.9,H,12,V,14.5,H,18.4,C,18.099999999999998,16,17.299999999999997,17.3,15.999999999999998,18.1,V,21.1,H,19.799999999999997,C,22.1,19,23.4,15.9,23.4,12.3,Z';
String path1 = 'M,12,24,C,15.2,24,17.9,22.9,19.9,21.1,L,16.099999999999998,18.1,C,14.999999999999998,18.8,13.599999999999998,19.200000000000003,11.999999999999998,19.200000000000003,C,8.899999999999999,19.200000000000003,6.199999999999998,17.1,5.299999999999998,14.300000000000002,H,1.299999999999998,V,17.400000000000002,C,3.3,21.4,7.5,24,12,24,Z';
String path2 = 'M,5.3,14.3,C,4.8,12.8,4.8,11.200000000000001,5.3,9.700000000000001,V,6.6,H,1.2999999999999998,C,-0.40000000000000013,10,-0.40000000000000013,14,1.2999999999999998,17.299999999999997,L,5.3,14.3,Z';
String path3 = 'M,12,4.8,C,13.7,4.8,15.3,5.3999999999999995,16.6,6.6,L,16.6,6.6,L,20,3.2,C,17.8,1.2000000000000002,15,0.10000000000000009,12,0.10000000000000009,C,7.5,0,3.3,2.6,1.3,6.6,L,5.3,9.7,C,6.2,6.9,8.9,4.8,12,4.8,Z';

void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
canvas.drawRect(Rect.fromLTRB(0, 0, size.width, size.height),
Paint()..color = Color(0xFFffffff));

canvas.drawPath(drawPath(path0, viewPortWidth, viewPortHeight, size), Paint()..color = Color(0xFF4285F4));
canvas.drawPath(drawPath(path1, viewPortWidth, viewPortHeight, size), Paint()..color = Color(0xFF34A853));
canvas.drawPath(drawPath(path2, viewPortWidth, viewPortHeight, size), Paint()..color = Color(0xFFFBBC04));
canvas.drawPath(drawPath(path3, viewPortWidth, viewPortHeight, size), Paint()..color = Color(0xFFEA4335));

bool shouldRepaint(CustomPainter oldDelegate) => false;


copied to clipboard
and auto_painter.dart which will contains the methods to draw
Contributing #
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
License #


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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