
Creator: coderz1093

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swaarm sdk

Swaarm SDK #
Installation #
To install the Swaarm SDK, add it to your Flutter project by running:
flutter pub add swaarm_sdk
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Configuration #
To configure the Swaarm SDK, initialize the client in your main.dart file using the
SwaarmClient.init(<domain>, <token>) method. This should be done after running your app:
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:swaarm_sdk/swaarm_sdk.dart';

void main() {
runApp(const MyApp());
SwaarmClient.init("example.swaarm.com", "<token>");
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Replace "example.swaarm.com" with your Swaarm tracking domain and "<token>" with your specific
access token. During development, you can enable debugging with:
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:swaarm_sdk/swaarm_sdk.dart';

void main() {
runApp(const MyApp());
SwaarmClient.init("example.swaarm.com", "<token>", debug: true);
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Usage #
Automatic Event Tracking #
The Swaarm SDK automatically tracks certain events:

App Open Event: Fires every time the app is opened.
Install Event: Fires the first time the app is opened after installation.

These events include enriched user data, such as the OS version, vendorId, and, if available, the
IDFA (Identifier for Advertisers).
Note: On devices running iOS 14 and later, user consent is required to access the IDFA. This
consent must be requested from a visible app interface. For more details,
refer to this StackOverflow answer.
Custom Events #
You can manually trigger custom events using the event and purchase methods.
Sending a Custom Event
The event method allows you to track specific user actions. It supports the following parameters:

typeId: The type of event you want to track (e.g., "registration").
aggregatedValue: A numerical value that Swaarm aggregates in reports (e.g., number of items purchased).
customValue: A free-form string value presented as-is in reports (e.g., specific details about the event).

typeId: "registration",
aggregatedValue: 25.0,
customValue: "{\"email\": \"example@example.org\"}"
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Tracking Purchases
The purchase method is used to track purchase-related events. It supports the following parameters:

typeId: The type of purchase event (e.g., "subscription").
revenue: The amount of revenue generated by the purchase.
currency: The currency in which the revenue is reported (e.g., "USD").
receiptOrToken: The receipt data, transaction ID, or token used to verify the purchase.
androidPurchaseId: The purchase or subscription ID for Android transactions.

typeId: "subscription",
revenue: 11.0,
currency: "USD",
receiptOrToken: "base64ReceiptDataOrTransactionIdOrToken",
androidPurchaseId: "purchaseOrSubscriptionID",
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