
Creator: coderz1093

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swift composer

swift_composer #
- warning: this module is experimental and under development. It's API is subjected to change
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Swift Composer aims to turn dart modules into plugable application parts.
It uses source_gen to generate final application logic depending on imported
modules and configuration hence no boilerplate code is created.
This module powers 'swift.shop' app engine.
It is used to generate plugable client and server side routing, auto-serializable data models,
configurable layouts and widgets system and more.
Installation #

add swift_composer to your dependencies in pubspec.yaml:

swift_composer: any
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declare a compiled part in your final application code:

import 'package:swift_composer/swift_composer.dart';

import 'package:some_plugin';

part 'main.c.dart';

void main() {
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build .c.dart part

pub run build_runner build
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If you are creating a web package the build will be executed automatically with
webdev serve/build.
Features #
Requirements #
For any class to use swift composer features it needs to be declared as abstract
and decorated with @Compose annotation. This allows code generator to generate
a final class with compiled methods, plugins and dependency injections.
abstract class Foo {

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Class Names #
abstract class Foo {

String get className;

List<String> get classNames;

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All instances of Test and its subtypes will have className field populated
with this class full name and classNames populated with full class hierarchy
Above is useful for serialization as this field will contain source class name
even after compilation to *.js etc.
Dependency Injection #
abstract class Bar {

String barRequiredField;


abstract class Test {

Foo get injectedFoo;

Foo createFoo();

Bar createBar(String barRequiredField);

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Methods decorated with Factory will create a compiled subtype of return type.
Exact type returned will defined by imported modules and DI configuration.
For classes without any dependencies required for creation you can use Inject
annotation to generate shared instance.
Finding Class Subtypes
abstract class Test {

Map<String, Foo> get instances;

Foo createFoo(String className);

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Method decorated with SubtypeFactory will return a subtype of Foo depending
on passed className parameter.
A getter decorated with InjectInstances will contain a map indexed with class
names of all requirements free subtypes of Foo.
Class Fields info and Compiled methods. #
Swift Composer adds tools to generate info of final class fields that can be
used for example to generate JSON serialization.
const JsonField = true;

abstract class TestSerializable {

String get className;

String foo;

String bar;

Map toJson() {
Map ret = new Map();
ret['className'] = className;
return ret;

void fieldsToJson(Map target);

void _fieldsToJsonString(Map target, String name, String field) {
target[name] = field;

void _fieldsToJsonInt(Map target, String name, int field) {
target[name] = field;

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In above example, all subtypes of TestSerializable will have toJson that
will return all fields decorated with @JsonField serialized.
Dart tree shaking algorithms will clear compiled code out of unused stubs.
Type Plugins #
Type plugins can modify objects data and behavior.
Fields compilation method works with plugins and will also compile plugin fields
so we can add a plugin for TestSerializable from previous example.
abstract class TestPlugin extends TypePlugin<TestSerializable> {

String extraField = 'test';

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Now, calling toJson should return something like:
'className' : 'TestSerializable',
'foo' : 'something',
'bar' : 10,
'testPlugin.extraField': 'test'
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We can also extend / change decorated classes behaviors using MethodPlugin annotations.
Every public method in parent class:
bool validate(int foo, int bar) {
return foo > bar;
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Plugin class can customize behavior of such methods:
List<dynamic> beforeValidate(int foo, int bar) {
bar = bar + 1;
return [foo, bar];

bool afterValidate(bool ret) {
return !ret;
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Development Info #
Running tests:
dart run build_runner build && dart test/swift_composer_test.dart
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For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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