
Creator: coderz1093

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swift log

swift_log #
A comprehensive logging solution designed specifically for flutter apps.
Description #
The swift_log package is a logging solution developed to facilitate comprehensive logging functionalities in flutter applications. It provides the ability to capture and upload logs to a remote server for analysis and debugging purposes.
Features #

Capturing exceptions with customizable tags, subtags, and log messages
Capturing events with event names, log messages, and log levels
Saving events to device storage (They are cleared out as soon as they get pushed to your logs API)

Getting Started #
To get started with the swift_log package, follow these steps:

Add the swift_log dependency to your project's pubspec.yaml file:
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Import the package and initialize the logger in your code:

import 'package:swift_log/swift_log.dart';

void main() async {

await SwiftLog.init(
(options) {
options.apiPrefix = 'https://your-custom-log-server.com';
options.token = 'yourApiToken';
appRunner: () async {
return runApp(
const App(),
// capture and upload logs, with associated events

logMessage: "Exception occurred",
level: LogLevel.error,
exception: e as Exception,
stackTrace: stackTrace,

/// track events
eventName: "Fetching clients",
logMessage: "Fetching clients",
level: LogLevel.info,
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For more details on usage and examples, refer to the example directory.
Contributing #
Contributions to the swift_log package are welcome! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue on this repository.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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