
Creator: coderz1093

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sync ease hook

sync_ease_hook #
sync_ease_hook is a Flutter plugin that provides a hook system similar to WordPress hooks for managing actions and filters within your Flutter application.
Introduction #
sync_ease_hook allows you to define hook functions in your Flutter application, enabling you to execute custom logic at specific points in your codebase. With hooks, you can modularize your code and make it more extensible, allowing for easier maintenance and customization.
Installation #
To use sync_ease_hook in your Flutter project, follow these steps:

Add sync_ease_hook to your pubspec.yaml file:

sync_ease_hook: ^1.0.0
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Run flutter pub get to install the package.

Import the sync_ease_hook package in your Dart code:

import 'package:sync_ease_hook/sync_ease_hook.dart';
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Usage #
Defining Hooks #
You can define hooks using the addAction function provided by sync_ease_hook. Hooks are identified by unique keys, and you can associate any Dart object or function with a hook key.
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addAction('my_hook', () { // Custom logic to be executed when the hook is triggered });
Executing Hooks #
You can execute hooks using the doAction function. Provide the hook key as an argument to doAction, and the associated function or object will be returned and executed.
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Default Behavior for Widgets #
For widget-related hooks, if no action is registered for a particular hook key, a default behavior can be specified. In the example below, a default behavior of displaying an empty SizedBox widget is provided for widget-related hooks.
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if (key.contains('widget') && value == null) { addAction(key, const SizedBox()); }


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