
Creator: coderz1093

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synergy client flutter

Synergy Client Flutter #

Flutter Synergy

Flutter Synergy Client: A flutter client implementation for synergy servers like Synergy, Barrier, InputLeap
Get started #
Disable SSL in server ( Encryption not supported yet )
To use with dart only, checkout synergy_client_dart
Wrap your app in SynergyClientFlutter, That's it, a floating button will appear in app
tap on it to enter details and connect to Synergy
void main() async {

const SynergyClientFlutter(
enabled: true,
child: MaterialApp(
copied to clipboard
Demo #

Note: #
Inspired from synergy-android
This project is in initial stage, Api's might change


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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