synth-mapping-helper 1.5.0

Creator: bradpython12

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synthmappinghelper 1.5.0

Synth Mapping Helper
Toolbox for manipulating the JSON-Format used by Synth Riders Beatmap Editor in the clipboard.
For more info on each feature, check out the wiki

Filter by note and wall types for all operations
Changing type of notes and walls

Can cycle between multiple colors to make "rainbows" or alternate between single hand specials and regular notes

Change BPM indepenent of note timing (helpful if you have a map with different BPM sections)
Movement in XY and Time:
Note: All operation can be done in regards to grid center, a pivot point, or the start of rails

Scale and mirror
Outset (moving outwards/away by a fixed distance)
Offset (Translate/Move)
Stacking patterns

Pattern generation

Stack along rails

Rail manipulation

Convert between single notes and rails
Snapping single notes to rails

Cross-Platform (Windows, Linux)

For Windows, supports drag and drop actions (fully usable without command prompt)

Imports directly from clipboard, and export to it
Uses an internal format that is easy to work with (wiki page):

Position in editor grid coordinates (+x=right, +y=up)
Time in measures (starting from start of selection)
Angles in degrees (positive=counterclockwise)
Notes/Rails seperated by color and as n x 3 numpy-arrays (x, y, time)
Walls as 1 x 5 numpy-arrays (x, y, time, type, rotation)
Walls positions are adjusted to match their rotation center

Companion application:

Automatic backups while mapping
Plot notes to spot outliers
View hand velocity and acceleration to find sections to smooth out
Show wall density and estimatation which ones will not render on quest
Fix wall offset between editor and game ("Finalize")

Maybe (contributions welcome)

GUI for common operations
Automatic smoothing

How to Install and use
Advanced users

Install via pip3 install synth_mapping_helper (requires Python 3.9 or higher)
See python3 -m synth_mapping_helper.cli -h for usage of the clipboard manipulation
See python3 -m synth_mapping_helper.companion -h for usage of the companion
Feel free to experiment with extending functionality by using the module functions directly. If you have something that you think could help other mappers, please make a PR

See this wiki page for detailed instructions, including screenshots.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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