
Creator: coderz1093

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system proxy resolver

system_proxy_resolver #

A Dart Package to read proxy settings from the OS. With this plugin you can resolve proxy
setting for specific URL via PAC scripts.
system_proxy_resolver can be used in pure Dart as well!
Features #

✅ FFI implementation so that package can be used from any isolate without additional configuration
✅ Support for both pure Dart and Flutter projects
✅ iOS&macOS support via CFNetwork
✅ Windows support via WinHTTP
❌ Android support via IProxyService
❌ Linux support via libproxy

Usage #
final resolver = SystemProxyResolver();
print(await resolver.getProxyForUrl(Uri.parse("")));
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Usage with delayed_proxy_http_client
final client = DelayedProxyHttpClient();
client.findProxyAsync = (url) async {
try {
final proxies = await proxyResolver.getProxyForUrl(url);
return => ? "DIRECT" : "PROXY ${}:${e.port}").join("; ");
} on Object catch (e) {
return "DIRECT";

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