
Creator: coderz1093

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system windows

system_windows #
A Flutter package that that enables support for system tray menu for desktop flutter apps.
system_windows is a simple flutter package for fetching list of opened windows on your desktop. Works with MacOS, Windows and Linux.
🤔 How to use it? #
Install the package using pubspec.yaml and then use it this way:

var systemWindows = SystemWindows();

final activeApps = await systemWindows.getActiveApps();

copied to clipboard
And that's it 🎉
Check out the example to see how we built the app that measures what window is most used by user 🔥

As simple as that. Feel free to contribute :)
Created with ❤️ by United Ideas Flutter Team


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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