tabCompletion 1.0.0

Creator: bradpython12

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tabCompletion 1.0.0

Tab Auto-Completion

(requires pynput Package, getch and runs in python3 )

It is a python module which will help the user to import
the Press tab to auto complete feature into their
python scripts.
The basic purpose for such a module was that, I needed to
impart auto complete feature into a python script of mine,
so that the user doesn't always have to type in the
complete phrase each and everytime and at the same time
will hwlp to standardise my input in the program.
The module requires a json file or a dictionary which has
to loaded onto so the object which can search for possible
values of the input based on history of user's input. Each
and every time the user inputs a new possible value, it is
recorded in the json files (this feature is not available
if you pass a dictionary to the object) and the
recomendations will be shown from the nexttime onwards.
The json file will have to contain a dictionary in the
following structure:
{"typeName1":[list, of, possible, values, in, a python, list],
"typeName2":[list, of, possible, values, in, a python, list],
"typeName3":[list, of, possible, values, in, a python, list]}

The script is able to handle more than one type of names tags
under which their possible values are listed.

Note: The script uses ASCCI escape codes for
controlling the postion of the cursor in the command line.

The module is made as simple as possible so that th user will
have to just import it into their script and call the function
though the object initialised. To import the module into your
script please place the script in the same directory of that of
your script or add the python module globally (method specified

import the module :

from tabCompletion import Tabcomplete

initialise the object :

The object can be initialised either by using a path to the
json file that contains a dictionary or by passing a dictionary
directly. If you wish to pass the path to json file the:
ObjectName = Tabcomplete("pathToJsonFile.json")

Or if you wish to pass a dictionary directly to the object,
sampleDict = {"sample Id":[list, of, sample, items], "sample Id2": [list]}
ObjectName = Tabcomplete(sampleDict)

At present the module will not support dynamic update of the
dict passed on. But at the same time, if you pass on a json
file, new entries will be updated onto the json file.

get inputs using the initialised class :

inputVariable = ObjectName.getip("displayText", "typeName")

ObjectName.getip() function has 3 default parameter:

- default value = 'n'
- suggestions are caseSensitive if the value is 'y'
- default value = 'y'
- the user cannot pass an empty string as input
if the value is set to 'y'
- default value = 'y'
- if new user inputs are entered that are not in the
suggestions lists, the json files passed will be

typeName refers to the nameTag underwhich the possible values
are stored in the json file.

Note: A json file is a must for the program to run. So
initially even if you sont have any possible values Please
create a json file containing a dictionary which will follow
the proposed structure (where the list of possible values can
be left empty).

The list of possible values unser each nametag can be left
empty as these values will be updated in the json based on the
user's input.

How to Install the required modules:
To run this modules, you would require to install some
python modules using pip3.
pip3 install pynput
pip3 install getch

How to add tabCompletion module globally:
To make this module available globally in your local system,
add the path of you module to .basrc
cd ~/folder/where/the/project/is/cloned
echo "#Python module for tab completion" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export PYTHONPATH=$PWD/" >> ~/.bashrc

Now that you have linked the module globally, please restart
your terminal and check if the module is linked:
import tabCompletion

If no error are shown, then you have linked the module succefully.


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