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talkvideouploader 0.1
This package uploads recordings from Pyvo to YouTube using YouTube
API v3. It is based heavily on Google example code. It reads video
metadata YAML files generated by Petr Viktorin’s talk video maker.
First, you need to authenticate with Google using OAuth 2.0. For that,
you need client secrets file. One is bundled, you can also make your
own in the Google Developers Console.
During the first run, you’ll get prompted to authenticate to a YouTube
channel by opening a webpage in a browser and copying back a token.
Those credentials are then stored by default in
To upload videos, create a YAML file with metadata for each video file
and give path to those files as arguments to talk-video-uploader.
YAML metadata example
fname: Videofile.mkv
date: 2018-01-01
event: Ostravské Pyvo
url: https://pyvo.cz/ostrava-pyvo/2018-01/
lightning: true
speaker: Jan Novák
title: Interesting topic
- Python
- Pyvo
- Something
audio: cs
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