
Creator: coderz1093

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tch common widgets

tch_common_widgets #
Flutter common widgets & theming package used by Tomas Chyly. Contains custom widgets that are used on multiple projects. As well as global theming capability.
This package is made to work with and some features require my package tch_appliable_core. However you can use this package without it, you will just not be able to use some of the widgets.
Platforms notice: I have worked on projects that use Flutter on all platforms, but my focus is on Mobile and Desktop. Therefore some widgets and features may not work on Web, but should work on other platforms. Personally I do not consider Flutter ready for web dev.
Development notice: This documentation is out of date for lack of time, but the package itself continues to be maintained and developed over time.
Contents #


Installation #
In your project's pubspec.yaml add:
tch_common_widgets: ^0.36.2
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If your IDE does not autoImport, add manually:
import 'package:tch_common_widgets/tch_common_widgets.dart';
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Theme #
CommonTheme setup and usage #
Create lib/core/AppTheme.dart and in this file create constants for your colors, TextStyles, dimensions. Then use them to create CommonTheme compatible Styles.
See the example code snippet:
const kColorPrimary = const Color(0xFF1a1a1a);
const kColorPrimaryLight = const Color(0xFF404040);
const kColorPrimaryDark = const Color(0xFF000000);
const kColorSecondary = kColorGold;
const kColorSecondaryLight = kColorGoldLight;
const kColorSecondaryDark = kColorGoldDarker;

const kColorTextPrimary = kColorSilver;

const kFontFamily = 'Custom Font Family Name';

const kText = const TextStyle(color: kColorTextPrimary, fontSize: 16);
const kTextHeadline = const TextStyle(color: kColorTextPrimary, fontSize: 20);

/// Builder method that you provide to CoreApp or MaterialApp, it will wrap all pages inside CommonTheme
/// Customize CommonTheme for the app
Widget appThemeBuilder(BuildContext context, Widget child) {
/// Change the BorderRadius depending on OS
BorderRadius platformBorderRadius = const BorderRadius.all(const Radius.circular(8));
if (!kIsWeb && (Platform.isWindows || Platform.isLinux)) {
platformBorderRadius = BorderRadius.circular(0);

/// Style all IconButtonWidgets by default to be more desktop friendly
final kIconButtonStyle = IconButtonStyle(
width: kMinInteractiveSizeNotTouch + kCommonHorizontalMarginHalf,
height: kMinInteractiveSizeNotTouch + kCommonVerticalMarginHalf,
iconWidth: kIconSizeNotTouch,
iconHeight: kIconSizeNotTouch,
color: kColorTextPrimary,
borderRadius: platformBorderRadius,

/// IconButtonWidgets inside AppBar have different style to default
const kAppBarIconButtonStyle = const IconButtonStyle(
variant: IconButtonVariant.IconOnly,
color: kColorTextPrimary,
borderRadius: platformBorderRadius,

final OutlineInputBorder platformInputBorder = OutlineInputBorder(
borderSide: const BorderSide(
width: 1,
borderRadius: platformBorderRadius,

/// Default Style for all TextFormFieldWidgets
final kTextFormFieldStyle = TextFormFieldStyle(
inputDecoration: TextFormFieldStyle().inputDecoration.copyWith(
enabledBorder: platformInputBorder,
disabledBorder: platformInputBorder,
focusedBorder: platformInputBorder,
errorBorder: platformInputBorder,
focusedErrorBorder: platformInputBorder,
borderColor: kColorGold,
fillColorDisabled: kColorSilver,
disabledBorderColor: kColorSilverDarker,
errorColor: kColorRed,

/// Modify the default Style to get style for email fields
final TextFormFieldStyle kEmailTextFormFieldStyle = kTextFormFieldStyle.copyWith(
textCapitalization: TextCapitalization.none,
keyboardType: TextInputType.emailAddress,
validations: [
validator: validateEmail,
errorText: 'Please provide a valid email address', // Or tt(''), if you use CoreApp Translator

return AppTheme(
child: child,
fontFamily: prefsInt(PREFS_FANCY_FONT) == 1 ? kFontFamily : null,
buttonsStyle: ButtonsStyle(
iconButtonStyle: kIconButtonStyle,
appBarIconButtonStyle: kAppBarIconButtonStyle,
formStyle: FormStyle(
textFormFieldStyle: kTextFormFieldStyle,
emailTextFormFieldStyle: kEmailTextFormFieldStyle,

/// Custom AppTheme extensing CommonTheme to allow custom style
class AppTheme extends CommonTheme {
final IconButtonStyle appBarIconButtonStyle;
final TextFormFieldStyle emailTextFormFieldStyle;

/// AppTheme initialization
required Widget child,
String? fontFamily,
required ButtonsStyle buttonsStyle,
required this.appBarIconButtonStyle,
required DialogsStyle dialogsStyle,
required FormStyle formStyle,
required this.emailTextFormFieldStyle,
}) : super(
/// Child needs to be CommonTheme otherwise common widgets will break
child: CommonTheme(
child: child,
fontFamily: fontFamily,
buttonsStyle: buttonsStyle,
dialogsStyle: dialogsStyle,
formStyle: formStyle,
fontFamily: fontFamily,
buttonsStyle: buttonsStyle,
dialogsStyle: dialogsStyle,
formStyle: formStyle,
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To use non-default Styles that you have defined, simply provide them to widgets.
final appTheme = CommonTheme.of<AppTheme>(context)!;
/// Use kAppBarIconButtonStyle style for IconButtonWidgets in AppBar
style: appTheme.appBarIconButtonStyle,
svgAssetPath: 'images/back.svg',
onTap: () {
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final appTheme = CommonTheme.of<AppTheme>(context)!;
/// kEmailTextFormFieldStyle make sure that this field looks and behaves as email field
style: appTheme.emailTextFormFieldStyle,
controller: _emailController,
focusNode: _emailFocus,
nextFocus: _subjectFocus,
label: 'Email',
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If you want to access CommonTheme anywhere and maybe customize some style in place for some widget.
final commonTheme = CommonTheme.of(context)!;
/// Multiline text field that changes default Style in place to capitalize sentences
style: commonTheme.formStyle.textFormFieldStyle.copyWith(
textCapitalization: TextCapitalization.sentences,
controller: _messageController,
focusNode: _messageFocus,
label: tt('feedback.screen.message'),
lines: 3,
validations: [
validator: validateRequired,
errorText: tt('feedback.screen.message.error'),
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Apply your CommonTheme on whole app #
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return CoreApp( // Or MaterialApp if you do not use my Core package
builder: appThemeBuilder,
theme: ThemeData( /// You can combine CommonTheme with Material Theme
backgroundColor: kColorPrimaryLight,
primaryColor: kColorPrimary,
primaryColorLight: kColorPrimaryLight,
primaryColorDark: kColorPrimaryDark,
accentColor: kColorSecondary,
splashColor: kColorSecondary,
shadowColor: kColorShadow,
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Widgets #
CommonSpaces #

works with CommonTheme and standalone

This is a set of widgets that can be used for easy and standard spaces between other widgets.
PreferencesSwitchWidget #

works with CommonTheme and standalone
requires tch_appliable_core for preferences

Simple settings toggle/switch which gets and toggles int in preferences, uses it as a bool.
SwitchToggleWidget #

works with CommonTheme and standalone

Alternative widget for use instead of Switch, wraps IconButtonWidget and styling.
TextFormFieldWidget #

works with CommonTheme and standalone
Custom solution to fix Flutter iOS issue with autocorrect not working!
This solution is no necessary since Flutter >= 3.16.0

Wrapped TextFormField for extra styling, features mainly with CommonTheme. Has 2 variants Material, Cupertino style.
Most importantly if you set in your CommonTheme or send styling direct to widget with:
iOSUseNativeTextField: true,
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Then this widget will use custom hybrid solution to solve issue of default autcorrect not working with Flutter on iOS.
There are some limitations, mainly if you want to use custom font family, you need to integrate it with iOS as you do on iOS apps.
Tip: if your custom font does not work, remember that iOS does not use filenames, but actual font family name.
SelectionFormFieldWidget #

works with CommonTheme and standalone

Custom replacement for DropdownButton, looks like normal TextFormFieldWidget and supports Focus navigation and Form validation.
IconButtonWidget #

works with CommonTheme and standalone

InkWell based button widget for icons, 3 variants.
ButtonWidget #

works with CommonTheme and standalone

InkWell based button widget, 2 variants, content supports text or text and preffixIcon. Loading animation built in.
DatePickerFormFieldWidget #

works with CommonTheme and standalone

Custom Button that looks like TextFormFieldWidget for selecting Date with Material DatePicker. Supports Focus navigation and Form validation.
Dialogs #
ConfirmDialog #

works with CommonTheme and standalone

Simple dialog to get user confirmations (bool) with optional text description.
ListDialog #

works with CommonTheme and standalone

Dialog which displays list of options and allows user to select one.
Roadmap #
Until version 1.0.0 there will not be predictable roadmap. Instead development is dependant on requirements of projects where this package is used.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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