
Creator: coderz1093

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tdtx nf icons

tdtx_nf_icons #
A package that bundles fonts, such as the icons from the typefaces I like the most, to use them in Flutter.

You can find the font at

Un paquete que reúne las fuentes, como los íconos de las tipografías que más me gustan, para poder usarlos en Flutter.

Pueden encontrar la fuente en
Usage / uso #
The package will be used in the same way as a normal Icon
El paque se usara del mis mo modo que un Icon normal
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To locate the icons, refer to the Nerd Fonts website.
Para localizar los íconos, te recomendamos consultar la página de Nerd Fonts.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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