
Creator: coderz1093

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tencent cloud av chat room

Tencent Cloud AV Chat Room

A room where users can join and leave freely, with no limit on the number of users, and without storing historical messages.

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Experience DEMO #
You can experience our Chat and Live modules via the following demos.
Those following versions of demo have been built by the same Flutter project with our SDKs and extensions.

Introduction #
Tencent Cloud AV Chat Room is a UI component based on Tencent Cloud Chat SDK and implemented around the business of live streaming scenarios. It includes features such as on-screen comment chat, gift giving, likes, number of people online, etc.
You can use this UI component to quickly implement a live streaming application.
Get started #
What needs to be done before we start #

Signed up for a Tencent Cloud account and completed identity verification.
Created a chat application as instructed in Creating and Upgrading an Application and recorded the SDKAppID.
Select Auxiliary Tools > UserSig Generation and Verification on the left sidebar. Generate "UserID" and the corresponding "UserSig", and copy the "key" information. Refer to here.
Create a Flutter application.
Add tencent_cloud_av_chat_room to dependencies in pubspec.yaml file. Or by executing the following commands.

/// step 1:
flutter pub add tencent_cloud_av_chat_room

/// step 2:
flutter pub get
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Step 1: Initialize and login to Chat #
There are two ways to initialize and log in to Chat:

outside the component: Initialize and log in once in your flutter app.
inside the component: Parameters are passed into the component through configuration.

If you are integrating this component in an existing Chat flutter project, you can skip this step.
Outside the component(recommend)
Initialize Chat in the flutter app you created, note that the Chat app only needs to be initialized once. This step can be skipped if integrating in an existing Chat project.
import 'package:tencent_av_chat_room_kit/tencent_cloud_chat_sdk_type.dart';

class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {
final int _sdkAppID = 0; // Created in the preconditions
final String _loginUserID = ""; // UserID in preconditions
final String _userSig = ""; // UserSig in preconditions

void initState() {

_initAndLoginIm() async {
await TencentImSDKPlugin.v2TIMManager.initSDK(
sdkAppID: _sdkAppID,
loglevel: LogLevelEnum.V2TIM_LOG_ALL,
listener: V2TimSDKListener());
.login(userID: _loginUserID, userSig: _userSig);
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Inside the component
You can also pass SDKAppID, UserSig, UserID into the component through configuration to initialize and log in Chat.
import 'package:tencent_cloud_av_chat_room/tencent_cloud_av_chat_room.dart';

class _TencentAVChatRoomKitState extends State<TencentCloudAVChatRoom> {
final int _sdkAppID = 0; // Created in the preconditions
final String _loginUserID = ""; // UserID in preconditions
final String _userSig = ""; // UserSig in preconditions
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return TencentCloudAVChatRoom(
config: TencentCloudAvChatRoomConfig(
loginUserID: _loginUserID, sdkAppID: _sdkAppID, userSig: _userSig));
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Step 2: Use component #
Use this component in your appropriate module usually, we will integrate with Tencent Cloud Live to build a live room.
import 'package:tencent_cloud_av_chat_room/tencent_cloud_av_chat_room.dart';
class _TencentAVChatRoomKitState extends State<TencentCloudAVChatRoom> {
final int _sdkAppID = 0; // Created in the preconditions
final String _loginUserID = ""; // UserID in preconditions
final String _userSig = ""; // UserSig in preconditions
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return TencentCloudAVChatRoom(
data: TencentCloudAvChatRoomData(anchorInfo: AnchorInfo()),
config: TencentCloudAvChatRoomConfig(
loginUserID: _loginUserID, sdkAppID: _sdkAppID, userSig: _userSig, avChatRoomID: ''));
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API Docs #
TencentCloudAvChatRoomData #
The data that the component needs to use, such as anchor information, live streaming room announcements, etc.
anchorInfo: AnchorInfo(), // anchor info
isSubscribe: false, // whether to subscribe
notification: "notification" // live streaming room announcements
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TencentCloudAvChatRoomConfig #
Component configuration information.
avChatRoomID: '', // Audio-Video group ID [https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/1047/48169?lang=en&pg=]
loginUserID: '', // login user id
sdkAppID: 0, // sdk app id
userSig: '', // user sig[https://www.tencentcloud.com/document/product/1047/34580?from=pub#usersig-generation-and-verification].
barrageMaxCount: 200, // The maximum number of messages on the screen. The default is 200. When the number is exceeded, older messages will be cleared.
giftHttpBase: '', // http base of gift message.
displayConfig: DisplayConfig() // Control the display and hiding of some components on the screen.
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TencentCloudAvChatRoomController #
Component controller, which can be called outside the component to update data, send messages, etc.
final controller = TencentCloudAvChatRoomController();
final _needUpdateData = TencentCloudAvChatRoomData(
anchorInfo: AnchorInfo(),
isSubscribe: false,
notification: "notification"
final _textString = "This is a text mesasge";

final customInfoRocket = {
"version": 1.0,
"businessID": "flutter_live_kit", // command
"data": {
"send_gift_message", // send_gift_message
"cmdInfo": {
"type": 3, // gift type
"giftUrl": "1e8913f8c6d804972887fc179fa1fbd7.png",
"giftCount": 1,
"giftSEUrl": "assets/live/rocket.json",
"giftName": "rocket",

final customInfoPlane = {
"version": 1.0,
"businessID": "flutter_live_kit",
"data": {
"send_gift_message", // command
"cmdInfo": {
"type": 2,
"giftUrl": "5e175b792cd652016aa87327b278402b.png",
"giftCount": 1,
"giftName": "plane",

final customInfoFlower = {
"version": 1.0,
"businessID": "flutter_live_kit",
"data": {
"cmdInfo": {
"type": 1,
"giftUrl": "8f25a2cdeae92538b1e0e8a04f86841a.png",
"giftCount": 1,
"giftName": "flower",
"giftUnits": "",

// Update the data information of the incoming component.

// Send text message.

// To send a gift message, the gift message needs to follow the specific format above. There are three types of gifts: [1]: Normal gifts [2]: Gifts without special effects [3]: Gifts with special effects

// Send any message, [message] should be created by yourself.

// Play gift animation(Lottie, SVGA).
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TencentCloudAvChatRoomCallback #
Event Callback of room.
onMemberEnter: (memberInfo) {}, // on member enter room.
onRecvNewMessage: (message) {} // recv message.
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TencentCloudAvChatRoomCustomWidgets #
Custom component.
roomHeaderAction: Container(), // The area custom component is displayed in the upper right corner of the screen, and the default display is the number of people online in the live streaming room.
roomHeaderLeading: Container(), // The area custom component is displayed in the upper left corner of the screen, and the anchor information is displayed by default.
roomHeaderTag: Container(), // Below roomHeaderAction and roomHeaderLeading, it is generally used to display leaderboards, popularity, etc.
onlineMemberListPanelBuilder: (context, id) { // Customize the panel that expands after clicking on the number of online users in the live streaming room.
return Container();
anchorInfoPanelBuilder: (context, id) { // Customize the panel that expands after the anchor's avatar is clicked.
return Container();
giftsPanelBuilder: (context) { // Customize the gifs panel.
return Container();
messageItemBuilder: (context, message, child) { // Customize screen message.
return Container();
messageItemPrefixBuilder: (context, message) { // Customize the prefix of the message.
return Container();
giftMessageBuilder: (context, message) { // Gift message customization, gift message sliding in from the left side of the screen.
return Container();
textFieldActionBuilder: ( // Customize the lower right area of the screen
) {
return [Container()];
textFieldDecoratorBuilder: (context) { // Customize the input box at the bottom left of the screen
return Container();
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TencentCloudAvChatRoomTheme #
Customize background color etc.
backgroundColor: Colors.black, // The widget's background color,
hintColor: Colors.red, // hint text color
highlightColor: Colors.orange,
accentColor: Colors.white,
textTheme: TencentCloudAvChatRoomTextTheme(),
secondaryColor: Colors.grey,
inputDecorationTheme: InputDecorationTheme()
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TencentCloudAvChatRoomTextTheme #
Text theme.
giftBannerSubTitleStyle: TextStyle(),
giftBannerTitleStyle: TextStyle(),
anchorTitleStyle: TextStyle(),
anchorSubTitleStyle: TextStyle(),
barrageTitleStyle: TextStyle(),
barrageTextStyle: TextStyle()
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Contact Us #
Please do not hesitate to contact us in the following place, if you have any further questions or tend to learn more about the use cases.

Telegram Group: https://t.me/+1doS9AUBmndhNGNl
WhatsApp Group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/Gfbxk7rQBqc8Rz4pzzP27A
QQ Group: 788910197, chat in Chinese

Our Website: https://www.tencentcloud.com/products/im?from=pub


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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