
Creator: coderz1093

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Teliver #
Teliver is your one place stop for all GPS Based Location tracking solutions
Getting Started #
Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:
teliverflutter: ^1.0.0
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Android - Configuration

Obtain the map key from Google maps Page.
Open your AndroidManifest.xml file and paste the following code under application tag after embedding your map key obtained from Google.

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NOTE : You can skip the above step. If you have already got map key and added it in manifest or you just want the location updates alone.
Add the following line in app build.gradle - inside android of dependencies
implementation 'io.teliver.sdk:TeliverSdk:4.0.9'
implementation 'com.google.code.gson:gson:2.8.6'
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Add the following line in app build.gradle - inside android
packagingOptions {
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NOTE : App minSdkVersion version must be greater than or equal to 21
Usage/Examples #

Initiate our SDK by adding the following code snippet in your Application class

import 'package:teliverflutter/teliverflutter.dart';

final _teliverFlutter = Teliverflutter();

var result = await _teliverFlutter.initSDK("teliver_key");
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Next, setup the transmission for the operator app for whom the location has to be tracked.

var result = await _teliverFlutter.startTrip("Tracking_Id");
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Note: The Tracking_Id here is your unique identifier for the trip; basically it’s just the order id or driver id in your system

Since our operator app is ready for transmission, we will now setup our consumer side to locate on map.

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Note: Note: The Tracking_Id here is same as the id you given in previous step of operator start trip.

Stop Trip Call this method with the tracking id to stop the trip on Operator side.

result = await _teliverFlutter.stopTrip("Tracking_Id");
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Stop Tracking Call this method to stop tracking of Operator from Consumer side

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For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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