
Creator: coderz1093

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test screen

Test Screen #

This project contains APIs and utilities that build upon Flutter's Golden test functionality to provide powerful UI regression tests.

A Note on Golden Testing:
Goldens aren't intended to be a replacement of typical behavioral widget testing that you should perform. What they provide is an automated way to provide regression testing for all of the visual details that can't be validated without manual verification.
The Golden assertions take longer to execute than traditional widget tests, so it is recommended to be intentional about when they are used. Additionally, they can have many reasons to change. Often, the primary reason a golden test will fail is because of an intentional change. Thankfully, Flutter makes it easy to regenerate new reference images.
What's new #

Test Screen extension
AndroidFirebaseTestLab and IosFirebaseTestLab constructor parameters to control the devices returned. See in Adding Android / iOS devices from Firebase Test Lab

Table of Contents #

Test Screen

What's new
Table of Contents
How it works?
Getting Started


Add the failures and screens directories to .gitignore
Add a "screen" and "screen_ui" tag to your project
Configure Visual Studio Code

Test Screen extension

Add the package to pubspec

Creating screen tests

Global configuration

Adding Android / iOS devices from Firebase Test Lab
Other TestScreenConfig parameters
Platform vs ThemeData.platform

When use Platform and when ThemeData.platform?
ThemeData.platform on web applications

Create screen tests
Other utility function / classes

wrapWidget function
WidgetTester extension.

Golden files shadows
3rd Party Software Included or Modified in Project

Test Screen

What's new
Table of Contents
How it works?
Getting Started


Add the failures and screens directories to .gitignore
Add a "screen" and "screen_ui" tag to your project
Configure Visual Studio Code

Test Screen extension

Add the package to pubspec

Creating screen tests

Global configuration

Adding Android / iOS devices from Firebase Test Lab
Other TestScreenConfig parameters
Platform vs ThemeData.platform

When use Platform and when ThemeData.platform?
ThemeData.platform on web applications

Create screen tests
Other utility function / classes

wrapWidget function
WidgetTester extension.

Golden files shadows
3rd Party Software Included or Modified in Project

How it works? #
First, you define globally the locales, platforms and devices for your UI tests.
For every UI test, a concrete test for every platform, every locale and every device defined in the configuration will be created. On VSC is viewed like a group of platforms, with a group of locales and a test for every device:

Before run the tests the first time, you must create the screens (golden files) that will be used like the reference for determining that the UI tests are correct. You do this with a command from the terminal or, if VSC is configured, directly from VSC. This creates on the directory, where the tests are created, a directory with the name screens:

Inside that directory, the golden files will be created:

That's all. When the test runs, it compares the screen generated by the tests with these golden files. If something are different, the test fails.
If the test fail, a failures directory will be created with the fail information.
Getting Started #
Setup #
If you are new to Flutter's Golden testing, there are a few things you might want to do.
Add the failures and screens directories to .gitignore
When golden tests fail, artifacts are generated in a failures directory adjacent to your test. These are not intended to be tracked in source control.

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If you don't want to track the generated screens, add the screens directory too:

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Add a "screen" and "screen_ui" tag to your project
Add a dart_test.yaml file to the root of your project with the following content:
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This will indicate that screen and screen_ui are an expected test tag. All tests that use testScreen() or testScreenUI() will automatically be given this tag.
This allows you to easily target screen or screen_ui tests from the command-line.
Configure Visual Studio Code
If you use VSC, we highly recommend adding this configuration to your .vscode/launch.json file in the root of your workspace.
// Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
// Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
// For more information, visit: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=830387
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "Create Screens",
"request": "launch",
"type": "dart",
"codeLens": {
"for": ["run-test", "run-test-file"]
"args": ["--update-goldens"]
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This give you a context menu where you can easily regenerate the screens for a particular test directly from the IDE:

Test Screen extension
If you use VSC, we highly recommend adding the extension Test Screen.
This extension allows to open the images created by test_screen inside VSC.
On testing appears a new icon for every test. When the icon is clicked, if the node of the tree corresponds to a test status generated by test_screen, it opens inside VSC the image created by that test.

Download from vsc_extension/test-screen-1.0.0.vsix.
To install a VSIX extension in VSC, you can follow these steps:

Open Visual Studio Code.
Go to the Extensions view (Ctrl+Shift+X).
Click on the ... (More Actions) button in the top right corner of the Extensions view.
Select ‘Install from VSIX…’ from the dropdown menu.
In the file dialog that opens, select the .vsix file.

Alternatively, you can use the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) to run the Extensions: Install from VSIX... command.
Or by the command line:
code --install-extension test-screen-1.0.0.vsix
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Add the package to pubspec
This package is used in development, so add the dependency on dev_dependencies:
flutter pub add test_screen --dev
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Creating screen tests #
Creating screen tests are divided in two steps:

Create a global configuration of platforms, locales and devices for testing.
Create screen tests.

Global configuration #
Initialize the global configuration in the flutter_test_config.dart file.
Before a test file is executed, the Flutter test framework will scan up the directory hierarchy, starting from the directory in which the test file resides, looking for a file named flutter_test_config.dart (https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/flutter_test/flutter_test-library.html).
Use initializeDefaultTestScreenConfig for creating the configuration:
Future<void> initializeDefaultTestScreenConfig(TestScreenConfig config,
{List<TestScreenFont> fonts = const [],
bool loadDefaultFonts = true})
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TestScreenConfig class defines the locales and devices to test.
locales: [
devices: {
UITargetPlatform.android: [
const TestScreenDevice(
id: 'S2',
manufacturer: 'Samsung',
name: 'Galaxy S2',
size: Size(1200, 1600),
devicePixelRatio: 1.0),
const TestScreenDevice(
id: 'LX1',
manufacturer: 'Huawei',
name: 'AME-LX1',
size: Size(1080, 2280),
devicePixelRatio: 2.0),
UITargetPlatform.iOS: [
const TestScreenDevice(
id: 'i8',
manufacturer: 'Apple',
name: 'iPhone 8',
size: Size(1334, 750),
devicePixelRatio: 2.0),
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flutter_test_config.dart example:
Future<void> testExecutable(FutureOr<void> Function() testMain) async {
locales: [
devices: {
UITargetPlatform.android: [
const TestScreenDevice(
id: 'S2',
manufacturer: 'Samsung',
name: 'Galaxy S2',
size: Size(1200, 1600),
devicePixelRatio: 1.0),
const TestScreenDevice(
id: 'LX1',
manufacturer: 'Huawei',
name: 'AME-LX1',
size: Size(1080, 2280),
devicePixelRatio: 2.0),
UITargetPlatform.iOS: [
const TestScreenDevice(
id: 'i8',
manufacturer: 'Apple',
name: 'iPhone 8',
size: Size(1334, 750),
devicePixelRatio: 2.0),
return testMain();
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Adding Android / iOS devices from Firebase Test Lab
The AndroidFirebaseTestLab and IosFirebaseTestLab classes allow to import the Android and iOS devices defined in Firebase Test Lab. The method devices() returns the list of devices.
The first time, AndroidFirebaseTestLab and IosFirebaseTestLab connects to Firebase Test Lab and downloads the Android and iOS models definitions, creating a cache file named firebase_test_lab_android_devices.csv or firebase_test_lab_ios_devices.csv. By default, it is created on test directory. You can change the default path in a constructor argument.
They use gcloud CLI tools, so it's necessary to be installed and logged.
After the cache file is created, AndroidFirebaseTestLab and IosFirebaseTestLab always use it, and never connects again to Firebase Test Lab. If you don't want to test some model, open the cache file firebase_test_lab_android_devices.csv or firebase_test_lab_ios_devices.csv and delete the row that contains the model definition. Delete the cache file for recreating it.
Use AndroidFirebaseTestLab and IosFirebaseTestLab in initializeDefaultTestScreenConfig:
Future<void> testExecutable(FutureOr<void> Function() testMain) async {

locales: [
devices: {
UITargetPlatform.android: await AndroidFirebaseTestLab().devices(),
UITargetPlatform.iOS: await IosFirebaseTestLab().devices(),

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In the example project, in the test directory, you can find the firebase_test_lab_android_devices.csv and firebase_test_lab_ios_devices.csv files generated when the tests for example project was executed. If prefer, you can use it.
Both classes have some constructor parameters to control the devices that returns:

excludeSameLogicalSize: If a device is find with the same logical size than another device that already exists in the devices list, it is ignored.
excludeTablets: If a device has width greater than height, it's ignored.
excludeModels: Doesn't include in the device list these models.

Other TestScreenConfig parameters
For every test, onBeforeCreate, wrapper and onAfterCreate are called.
The screen widget to test is created in this order: first onBeforeCreate is called. Next is called the createScreen callback defined on the test. Next is called wrapper for wrapping the created screen and finally onAfterCreate is called.
If your screen widget needs a parent for running, like MaterialApp, use the wrapper parameter. The wrapper method will be called with the widget screen to test.
wrapper: (Widget screen) =>
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
theme: ThemeData(
primarySwatch: Colors.blue,
home: screen,
localizationsDelegates: AppLocalizations.localizationsDelegates,
supportedLocales: AppLocalizations.supportedLocales,
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Platform vs ThemeData.platform
If uses Platform for some specific platform code, the code is only testable in that platform.
For example, if the test are running on Linux and is doing tests for Android app, Platform.isAndroid returns false.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
if (Platform.isAndroid)
return buildRaisedButton();
else if (Platform.isIOS)
return buildCupertinoButton();
throw UnsupportedError('Only Android and iOS are supported.');
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To avoid this problem, use ThemeData.platform:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final platform = Theme.of(context).platform;

if (platform == TargetPlatform.iOS)
return buildCupertinoButton();
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See an example on lib/screens/multi_platform/multi_platform_screen.dart on the example project.
When use Platform and when ThemeData.platform?
Use Platform when your code depends on some specific platform functionality. Keep in mind that this code is only testable in that platform.
Use ThemeData.platform if the code runs on all platforms, but only adapts depends on the platform. For example on the previous UI example.
ThemeData.platform on web applications
ThemeData.platform returns a TargetPlatform enum. This enum hasn't a value for web applications. If your UI is multi platform and needs to adapt to web, you need to use the global constant kIsWeb. Using kIsWeb has the same results than using Platform, it can only execute the code on a web environment, so it can't do tests on your development environment (Windows, Linux, ...).
To avoid this problem, test_screen package uses the package isweb_test. It defines the global variable debugIsWeb and the function isWeb. The global variable debugIsWeb is used by test_screen for simulating the web environment. If you need to use kIsWeb, use isWeb function. It returns true if kIsWeb is true or debugIsWeb is true, so it allows to test web code.
Why has it been created in a separate package? Because if you need to use it, you need to import it in your code, and your code only needs this function, not all the test_screen code.
For example:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final platform =
return Scaffold(
body: Column(
children: [
const SizedBox(
height: 30,
SizedBox(width: 200, child: _slider(platform)),

StatefulWidget _slider(TargetPlatform platform) {
if isWeb() {
return _webSlider();
} else {
switch (platform) {
case TargetPlatform.iOS:
return _cupertinoSlider();
return _defaultSlider();
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Install the package to use it:
flutter pub add isweb_test
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Create screen tests #
See the example project
Use testScreenUI for creating UI tests. You must pass a description and a callback to an async function that creates your screen.
void main() {
group('Home Screen', () {
testScreenUI('Init state', () async => const HomeScreen());
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Before run the test the first time, you must create the golden files (see How it works?).
Normally you want to test your screen in different states. Different states generates different screens. To allow this, testScreenUI has the optional parameter goldenDir. This parameter creates a subdirectory inside the screens directory, allowing to separate the different screens for every state.
For example, in the example project, the Home screen is tested in 2 different states, when the screen appears and after the user pushes the button three times:
void main() {
group('Home Screen', () {

testScreenUI('Init state', () async => const HomeScreen(),
goldenDir: 'init_state');

testScreenUI('Pushed button 3 times', () async => const HomeScreen(),
goldenDir: 'pushed_3',
onTest: (WidgetTester tester) async {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
await tester.tap(find.byType(FloatingActionButton));
await tester.pump();
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You could see than testScreenUI have different goldenDir arguments. The test Init state creates the golden files in the init_state subdirectory and the test Pushed button 3 times in the pushed_3 subdirectory:

Every time the test is executed, the screen created by the test is compared with the png file of the golden dir. This consumes a lot of time. You can avoid this comparison using testScreen. It does exactly the same than testScreenUI, but doesn't do the bitmap comparison.
Other utility function / classes #
wrapWidget function
Wraps a widget with the wrapper configured on initializeDefaultTestScreenConfig.
A wrapper defined in your initializeDefaultTestScreenConfig:
wrapper: (Widget screen) =>
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
theme: ThemeData(
primarySwatch: Colors.blue,
home: screen,
localizationsDelegates: AppLocalizations.localizationsDelegates,
supportedLocales: AppLocalizations.supportedLocales,
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When use wrapWidget in testWidget:

testWidgets('Home', (WidgetTester tester) async {
await tester.pumpWidget(wrapWidget(const HomeScreen()));
final Finder addIcon = find.byIcon(Icons.add);
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Would be equivalent to:

testWidgets('Home', (WidgetTester tester) async {
await tester.pumpWidget(
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
theme: ThemeData(
primarySwatch: Colors.blue,
home: const HomeScreen(),
localizationsDelegates: AppLocalizations.localizationsDelegates,
supportedLocales: AppLocalizations.supportedLocales,
final Finder addIcon = find.byIcon(Icons.add);
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WidgetTester extension.
It has methods for obtaining locale, locales, devicePixelRatio and size.
Compare the Actual finder children with the [finders] sequentially.
children: [
const YourWidget(),
child: Text('Hello'),
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
child: Column(
children: [Widget1(),
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No match:
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Returns a TestScreenDevice for a web screen. It only defaults TestScreenDevice constructor values, so it's more readable and easy for defining web screen sizes:
devices: {
UITargetPlatform.webWindows: [
TestScreenDevice.forWeb(1280, 720),
TestScreenDevice.forWeb(800, 600)
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The defaults values are:
id: 'web_${width}x${height}'
manufacturer: 'web'
name: '${width}x${height}'
devicePixelRatio: 1.0
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Golden files shadows #
Flutter test disables, by default, all the shadows, and replaces it with a solid color.
For example, for this screen:

the golden file generated is:

The reason is:

the rendering of shadows is not guaranteed to be pixel-for-pixel identical from version to version (or even from run to run)."

However, if you want to disable this behavior, you can change the value of the global variable debugDisableShadows.
The help of this variable says:

Whether to replace all shadows with solid color blocks.
This is useful when writing golden file tests (see [matchesGoldenFile]) since
the rendering of shadows is not guaranteed to be pixel-for-pixel identical from
version to version (or even from run to run).
In those tests, this is usually set to false at the beginning of a test and back
to true before the end of the test case.
If it remains true when the test ends, an exception is thrown to avoid state
leaking from one test case to another.

So, remember to put this variable to true after the test ends, else it fails.
For example:
group('Login Screen', () {
setUp(() => debugDisableShadows = false);
testScreenUI('Screen', () async => const LoginScreen(),
onTest: (tester) async {
// test code
// ...
debugDisableShadows = true;
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3rd Party Software Included or Modified in Project #

font_loader.dart from Golden Toolkit: https://pub.dev/packages/golden_toolkit
Roboto Font File: Available at URL: https://github.com/google/fonts/tree/master/apache/roboto License: Available under Apache license at https://github.com/google/fonts/blob/master/apache/roboto/LICENSE.txt
SFProDisplay and SFProText Font Files: Available at URL: https://fontsfree.net


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