tethys-template 1.0.3

Creator: bradpython12

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tethystemplate 1.0.3

Using this template

Create a new repository using Github's template interface, or run the following commands:
git clone https://github.com/pcsagan/tethys <your_package_name>
cd <your_package_name>
rm -rf .git
git init .

Find and replace all instances of tethys and tethys-template with your package name

Your project name can match your package name. The name tethys-template was required becausetethys already exists on PyPI

Update pyproject.toml to reflect its new author and requirements

Update the Security Policy and the Code of Conduct with your e-mail address
Set the version to a value that hasn't already been published to PyPI (and TestPyPI)
List of Classifiers
Configuration for mypy

Update tox.ini to build the desired testing environments

Configuration for black
Configuration for flake8
Configuration for pycodestyle
Configuration for pydocstyle
Configuration for pytest
Configuration for pytest-cov

Update cli.py to customize the command line interface

Documentation for click
The entry point is defined in the project.scripts table in the pyproject.toml file

Update .git/workflows/tests.yaml to specify the various operating systems and python versions used for testing
Install your package dependencies into your development environment

Install the package locally in editable mode using the command:
pip install -e .

Install the package locally along with all testing libraries used by tox with the command:
pip install -r requirements.txt

Add your code to the package while regularly committing your changes to your Github repository
Add your tests to the tests directory
Test your package using tox

Run all tasks in their own environments using the command:

Run specific tasks using tox with the -e flag:
tox -e black
tox -e docs
tox -e flake8
tox -e mypy
tox -e pycodestyle
tox -e pydocstyle
tox -e pytest
tox -e validate-pyproject

If you installed the requirements.txt file then you can use testing packages in your local environment:
black src
sphinx-apidoc -f -o docs/source src/<my_package_name>
sphinx-build -b html docs/source docs/build/html
flake8 src tests
mypy src
pycodestyle src
pydocstyle src
pytest tests

Register on PyPI (and TestPyPI) and generate API tokens
Add your tokens as a secret variable named pypi_api_token and testpypi_api_token to your Github repository
Manually run the Publish Test action to verify that your token and package version are accepted using TestPyPI
Manually run the Publish action to publish your package on PyPI

Usage: tethys [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Tethys is a moon of Saturn.

--version Show the version and exit.
--debug Run the command in debug mode.
--help Show this message and exit.

data Print the shared context data to the screen.
foo Print the result of calling the foo function to the screen.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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