text-based-switcher 0.0.2.dev0

Creator: bradpython12

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textbasedswitcher 0.0.2.dev0

===================Text-based-switcher===================Text-based window switcher for UnityThe visual switcher is very poor at providing context. E.g. the browser windowthumbnails are too small to tell apart. This switcher shows a list of window titles and allows you to choose oneby typing first character(s) of the sought window. Press return to bring thewindow to the front.All credit goes to the original author, Jacob Vlijm. Thanks!See http://askubuntu.com/a/648800/20835Usage=====The script needs ``wmctrl`` and ``xprop``. On Ubuntu:.. code:: console sudoapt−getinstallwmctrlx11−utilsInstallfromPyPI:..code::console sudo pip install text_based_switcherTest-run it:.. code:: console listwindows−−workspace list_windows --application Double subscripts: use braces to clarifyDouble subscripts: use braces to clarify python setup.py develop pipinstalltext−based−switcher[dev]IfyouinstallRunthetests(therearenotestsyet!):..code::console python setup.py test $ python run_tests.pyLinks=====Project home page https://github.com/jean/text-based-switcherSource code https://github.com/jean/text-based-switcherIssue tracker https://github.com/jean/text-based-switcher/issuesChanges log===========0.0.1------ First version by Jacob Vlijm as an answer on AskUbuntu: http://askubuntu.com/a/648800/208350.0.2------ Package creation with ``bobtemplates.gillux`` [jean]


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