
Creator: coderz1093

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text highlight

text_highlight #
A richtext widget for syntax highlighting programming languages like
python , c++ , c# etc. Currently supports 9 programming languages
c, c++, c#, go, java, javascript, python, r, swift ,dart. The widget
is fully customizable , you can create theme of your own using
HighlightTheme class , by default the theme is dark mode.
Usage #
importing package #
import 'package:text_highlight/text_highlight.dart';
copied to clipboard
Using text_highlight for a particular language mode : #
# python example
print("""Hello world""")
''' ,
mode: HighlightTextModes.PYTHON,
fontSize: 15,
copied to clipboard
similarly you can specify any of the 9 languages to set its mode. mode is actually simply string you can pass mode like this:
mode : 'python' ,
but make sure u don't pass a mode which does not exist , otherwise it will throw HighlightTextModeNotFoundException error.
AUTO mode #
copied to clipboard
AUTO mode let the user decide which language he wants to highlight.
A complete example can be seen at example section.Based on the input
string it automatically sets language . Remember it does not analyzes
whole input string , it analyzes only the first line of input string
and sees which language is mentioned. So in auto mode first line
should contain only name of language and a colon(colon is optional).
If none of the modes matches the first line it will set mode to TEXT.
Here is an example of AUTO mode for highlighting python code:
# python example
print("""Hello world""")
''' ,
mode: HighlightTextModes.AUTO,
fontSize: 15,
// first line of string should be the name of language and a colon.
copied to clipboard
Custom HighlightTheme #
By default only two themes are available defaultDarkTheme and defaultLightTheme. You can create your own theme if you want using HighlightTheme class. You can see the example in example/README.md section.
sample outputs => #


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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