
Creator: coderz1093

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textformfield unit

TextFormField with units #
A TextFormField widget that has a dropdown list for units and provides conversion.
Usage #
You can use it almost like the original TextFormField form field, with a few additions.
First, it has a generic type, the type of the unit you want to use. Let's suppose we need the following three length units:
enum SizeUnits { Millimeter, Inch, LightNanosecond }
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We prepare a map with the user readable names:
static final unitNames = {
SizeUnits.Millimeter: 'mm',
SizeUnits.Inch: '"',
SizeUnits.LightNanosecond: 'light-ns',
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And a function that can receive a value in one unit and has to convert it to another one:
double _sizeConverter(SizeUnits fromUnit, SizeUnits toUnit, double value) {
final valueMm = switch (fromUnit) {
SizeUnits.Millimeter => value,
SizeUnits.Inch => value * 25.4,
SizeUnits.LightNanosecond => value * 299.792458,
return switch (toUnit) {
SizeUnits.Millimeter => valueMm,
SizeUnits.Inch => valueMm / 25.4,
SizeUnits.LightNanosecond => valueMm / 299.792458,
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We pass these – and any other usual TextFormField stuff you need – to the field.
controller: controller,
keyboardType: TextInputType.number,
inputFormatters: [FilteringTextInputFormatter.allow(allowed)],
textInputAction: TextInputAction.next,
icon: const Icon(Icons.height),
labelText: 'Size',
units: unitNames,
initialUnit: SizeUnits.Millimeter,
unitIcon: const Icon(Icons.keyboard_arrow_down),
converter: _sizeConverter,
onSaved: (value) {
if (value != null) print('${value.value} ${unitNames[value.unit]}');
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When it calls back for validation or saving, it passes a ValueWithUnit<T> value where T is our unit type.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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