textx-gen-vscode 0.1.3

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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textxgenvscode 0.1.3

VS Code Extension Generator for textX Languages
A textX generator which outputs simple, installable VS Code extension from a registered textX language project.
It is used primary by textX-LS project when generating and installing textX languages.
CLI Examples
Generate a VS Code extension for tx_workflow project packaged in archive:
textx generate examples/workflow/tx_workflow/workflow.tx -o . --target=vscode --project_name tx-workflow

Generate a VS Code extension for tx_workflow project packaged in installable vsix format:
textx generate examples/workflow/tx_workflow/workflow.tx -o . --target=vscode --project_name tx-workflow --vsix True

Other Notes

textX language project should be registrated in order generator to find it by passed project name
path to the grammar (examples/workflow/tx_workflow/workflow.tx) is not used for now, but idea is to be able to create project from it


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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