
Creator: coderz1093

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tezbor initial pages

This is a packages that can be used on 3 different types of applications of tezbor uz
Features #
Package includes EnterSmS and Enter phone number screens
Getting started #
Simply intstall and use this. Note: Package use sms_autofill: ^2.1.2 and pinput: ^1.2.0 to work in
Usage #
Provide all required fields including functions. Note that there are two screens to use and classes
are EnterSmsPage and PhoneNumberPage respectively
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return EnterSmsPage(
submit: submit,
didntRecieve: didntRecieve,
longPressFunction: longPressFunction,
apiController: apiController,
arguments: widget.arguments,
lang_didnt_receive: LocaleKeys.didnt_receive.tr(),
lang_enter_sms_code: LocaleKeys.enter_sms_code.tr(),
lang_resend_sms: LocaleKeys.resend_sms.tr(),
lang_we_will_resend: LocaleKeys.we_will_resend.tr(),
lang_next: LocaleKeys.next.tr(),
messaging: messaging,
platform: platform,
resendSms: resendSms,
signatureCode: signatureCode,
key: Key('sms_s'),
pinPutController: _pinPutController,
pinPutFocusNode: _pinPutFocusNode,
copied to clipboard
Additional information #
To update you shuold ask for access


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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