
Creator: coderz1093

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thawani payment

thawani_payment: #

A package helps you to use thawani checkout api , to add thawani payment in Flutter App

# 👨‍💻 Developed by: #

Nasr Al-Rahbi @abom_me
👨🏻‍💻 Find me in : #

thawani_payment using the official webview_flutter.

⚠️ The Requirement ⚠️ : #


SDK 19+ or 20+
iOS 9+

Setup: #
Pubspec changes:
thawani_payment: <last_verison>
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Sample example to add pay function :
import 'package:thawani_payment/thawani_payment.dart';

onPressed: (){,
saveCard: true,
testMode: true,

api: 'rRQ26GcsZzoEhbrP2HZvLYDbn9C9et',
pKey: 'HGvTMLDssJghr9tlN9gr4DVYt0qyBy',
clintID: '12345',
onError: (e) {
products: [
Product(name: "name", quantity: 2, unitAmount: 1234)
onCreate: (v) {

onCancelled: (v) {
savedCards: (d){

onPaid: (v) {
}, );
child: const Text("Pay Using Thawani"),
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To add new Customer ID use :
await ThawaniCustomer.add( customerID:"{set customer id (cus_******)}");
// will return true
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To get Saved Customer ID use :
await ThawaniCustomer.get();
// will return Customer ID (cus_******)
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To Delete Saved Customer ID use :
await ThawaniCustomer.delete();
// will return true
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Getting Started #

The official API Document From Thawani in

First You Should have Keys From Thawani Thawani Checkout

And ensure to enable billing for the project.

Android #

You should however make sure to set the correct minSdkVersion in android/app/build.gradle if it was previously lower than 19:

android {
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 19
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Note #

This package will update if there any update in Thawani checkout
Your use of the package is your personal choice. The developer of the package has nothing to do with errors that may occur with you during payment.
I recommend using the test mode to ensure that the package is free of errors before uploading it to users.

See the example directory for a complete sample app.
Parameters of the ThawaniPayBtn #

/// API Code From Thawani Company
/// For Test Mode: rRQ26GcsZzoEhbrP2HZvLYDbn9C9et

final String api;

/// The Publishable Key From Thawani Company
/// For Test Mode: HGvTMLDssJghr9tlN9gr4DVYt0qyBy

final String pKey;

/// The Widget Shown In The Button , By Default it have Text
/// Text("Pay",style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white,fontSize: 17),)

final Widget? child;

/// Button Style
/// ButtonStyle(
/// elevation: MaterialStateProperty.all(0),
/// shape: MaterialStateProperty.all(RoundedRectangleBorder(borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10))),
/// backgroundColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(const Color(0xff4FB76C)),
/// )

final ButtonStyle? buttonStyle;

/// The Clint Id to be generated by merchant to identify the session (From Thawani API Doc).
/// You can use The User ID As Clint ID

final String clintID;

/// The customer would be redirected to successUrl if payment processed successfully (From Thawani API Doc).
/// In This Package , The URL Unuseful

final String? successUrl;

/// The customer would be redirected to successUrl if he decides to cancel the payment (From Thawani API Doc).
/// In This Package , The URL Unuseful

final String? cancelUrl;

/// A list of products the customer is purchasing. maximum 100 products (From Thawani API Doc).
/// [
/// {
/// "name": "product Name",
/// "unit_amount": the price by Baisa, >=100 <=5000000000
/// "quantity": the quantity of the line product, >=1 <=100
/// }
/// ]

final List<Map> products;

/// Useful for storing additional information about your products, customers (From Thawani API Doc).
/// storing Any Data about your products, customers(users)
/// EX:
/// { "userName":"Nasr Al-Rahbi", "Twitter":"abom_me"}

final Map? metadata;

/// Make It true If You Want Test The Package Or The Api
/// By Default It's false
/// testMode: false

final bool? testMode;

///The Function And The Result Of Data After Create Session.

final void Function(Create create) onCreate;

///The Function And The Result Of Data If The User Cancelled The Payment.

final void Function(StatusClass payStatus) onCancelled;

///The Function And The Result Of Data If The User Cancelled The Payment.

final void Function(StatusClass payStatus) onPaid;

///The Function And The Reason Of The Error, If Any Error Happen.

final Function(Map error)? onError;

/// Make It true If you want allow the customer to save the payment card
final bool saveCard;

/// This function show you the Customer Data if it's a new Customer
final void Function(CreateCustomerModel data)? onCreateCustomer;

/// This function show you the Saved Customer ID if it's a exist Customer
void Function(String data)? getSavedCustomer;

/// This function show you the Customer Data if it's a new Customer
final void Function(List<CardData> data)? savedCards;

/// To change the saved card background color it's shown if [saveCard] is true only
final Color? savedCardBackground;
/// To change the saved card Text color it's shown if [saveCard] is true only
final Color? savedCardTextColor;

/// To change the appbar in saved cards screen it's shown if [saveCard] is true only
final Widget? savedCardsAppBarText;

/// This text show when the user try to delete saved card from saved cards screen it's shown if [saveCard] is true only
final String? deleteText;

/// This text show when the user faced Error in delete saved card from saved cards screen it's shown if [saveCard] is true only
final String? deleteTextError;

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Real Example: #

🤗 Special thanks : #

For Khalfan @pwkhalfan , for helping me with Thawani Document


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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