
Creator: coderz1093

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the one sdk

The One API - Dart Plugin #
The One Dart SDK makes it easy to add API integration with the The One API
to your Flutter or Dart application.
Features #
All of The One API calls are available in this Dart plugin except for the Chapter endpoints.
One additional feature is the ability to retrieve the context of a quote and retrieve the Movie/Book
name, Character Name, and Dialog all in one easy to use helper method.
Getting started #
You will need to visit to setup an account and receive an Access Token.
You can view The One API documentation here:
To add the plugin declare the the_one_sdk in your pubspec.yaml and run flutter pub get
or dart pub get.
the_one_sdk: 0.0.1
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Usage #
You will need to instantiate TheOne class with the API key you received by creating an account.
You can then access all helper methods and data models from within your Dart or Flutter application.

final theOne = TheOne(apiKey: 'yourApiKey');

// Book Helper Methods
final books = await theOne.getBooks();

final book = await theOne.getBookById('bookId');

final bookChapters = await theOne.getChaptersByBookId('bookId');

// Move Helper Methods
final movies = await theOne.getMovies();

final movie = await theOne.getMovieById('movieId');

final movieQuotes = await theOne.getQuotesByMovieId('movieId');

// Character Helper Methods
final characters = await theOne.getCharacters();

final character = await theOne.getCharacterById('characterId');

final characterQuotes = await theOne.getQuotesByCharacterId('characterId');

// Quote Helper Methods
final quotes = await theOne.getQuotes();

final quote = await theOne.getQuoteById('quoteId');

// Quote Context
final quoteContext = await theOne.getQuoteContextByQuoteId('quoteId');
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For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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