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three js svg
three_js_svg #
A type of three_js svg loader and exporter that allows users to add or export svgs to and from thier projects.
This is a dart conversion of three.js and three_dart, originally created by @mrdoob and has a coverted dart fork by @wasabia.
Getting started #
To get started add this to your pubspec.yaml file along with the other portions three_js_math, three_js_core, and three_js_core_loaders.
late Scene scene;
void init() {
scene = Scene();
scene.background = Color.fromHex32(0xf0f0f0);
final loader = SVGLoader();
final data = await loader.fromAsset('assets/${fileName}.svg');
List<ShapePath> paths = data!.paths;
Group group = Group();
group.position.x = -25;
group.position.y = 25;
//group.scale.y *= -1;
for (int i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) {
ShapePath path = paths[i];
final fillColor = path.userData?["style"]["fill"];
if (guiData["drawFillShapes"] == true && fillColor != null && fillColor != 'none') {
MeshBasicMaterial material = MeshBasicMaterial.fromMap({
"opacity": path.userData?["style"]["fillOpacity"].toDouble(),
"transparent": true,
"side": tmath.DoubleSide,
"depthWrite": false,
"wireframe": guiData["fillShapesWireframe"]
final shapes = SVGLoader.createShapes(path);
for (int j = 0; j < shapes.length; j++) {
final shape = shapes[j];
ShapeGeometry geometry = ShapeGeometry([shape]);
Mesh mesh = Mesh(geometry, material);
final strokeColor = path.userData?["style"]["stroke"];
if (guiData["drawStrokes"] == true &&
strokeColor != null &&
strokeColor != 'none') {
three.MeshBasicMaterial material = three.MeshBasicMaterial.fromMap({
"opacity": path.userData?["style"]["strokeOpacity"].toDouble(),
"transparent": true,
"side": tmath.DoubleSide,
"depthWrite": false,
"wireframe": guiData["strokesWireframe"]
for (int j = 0, jl = path.subPaths.length; j < jl; j++) {
Path subPath = path.subPaths[j];
final geometry = SVGLoader.pointsToStroke(subPath.getPoints(), path.userData?["style"]);
if (geometry != null) {
final mesh = three.Mesh(geometry, material);
copied to clipboard
Usage #
This project is a svg model loader and exporter for three_js.
Example #
Find the example for this API here.
Contributing #
Contributions are welcome.
In case of any problems look at existing issues, if you cannot find anything related to your problem then open an issue.
Create an issue before opening a pull request for non trivial fixes.
In case of trivial fixes open a pull request directly.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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