
Creator: coderz1093

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ticker search

Ticker Search Flutter Package #
A Flutter package for searching stock tickers in your app.
Features #

Easy-to-use search widget for stock tickers.
Customizable ticker suggestions with icons.
Light and dark theme support.
Material 3 design.
Returns a StockTicker object with the selected ticker symbol.

Prerequisites #
Before you begin, ensure you have Flutter installed on your development machine. If you haven't, visit Flutter's official website to get started.
Installation #
Add ticker_search to your pubspec.yaml file:
ticker_search: ^0.0.1
stock_market_data: ^0.0.9
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Usage #
Import the package:
import 'package:ticker_search/ticker_search.dart';
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Use the TickerSearch widget:
final List<StockTicker>? tickers = await showSearch(
context: context,
delegate: TickerSearch(
searchFieldLabel: 'Add',
suggestions: [
TickerSuggestion(const Icon(Icons.view_headline), 'Main', TickersList.main),
TickerSuggestion(const Icon(Icons.business_sharp), 'Companies', TickersList.companies),
TickerSuggestion(const Icon(Icons.precision_manufacturing_outlined), 'Sectors', TickersList.sectors),
TickerSuggestion(const Icon(Icons.workspaces_outline), 'Futures', TickersList.futures),
TickerSuggestion(const Icon(Icons.computer), 'Cryptos', TickersList.cryptoCurrencies),
TickerSuggestion(const Icon(Icons.language), 'Countries', TickersList.countries),
TickerSuggestion(const Icon(Icons.account_balance_outlined), 'Bonds', TickersList.bonds),
TickerSuggestion(const Icon(Icons.architecture_sharp), 'Sizes', TickersList.sizes),
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Example #
You can check the example application and see how to use the package.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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