ticketus 0.6.0

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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ticketus 0.6.0

Ticketus is a simple, no-frills ticketing system for helpdesks. For more
information about its features and for a demo, see
[![Latest Version](https://pypip.in/version/ticketus/badge.svg)](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ticketus/)
[![Supported Python versions](https://pypip.in/py_versions/ticketus/badge.svg)](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ticketus/)
[![Development Status](https://pypip.in/status/ticketus/badge.svg)](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ticketus/)


Python 3.3+
PostgreSQL 9.3+ and [psycopg2](http://initd.org/psycopg/)
WSGI server (e.g. gunicorn)
Web server (e.g. nginx or Apache2)


Install your distro’s packages for Python 3, virtualenv, and psycopg2. For
example, on Fedora:
` # yum install python3 python-virtualenv python3-psycopg2 `

Activate a virtualenv (ensure it uses Python 3 as 2.x is not supported):
` $ virtualenv -p python3 --system-site-packages ticketus $ cd ticketus && source bin/activate `

Install the latest release from [PyPi](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ticketus):
` $ pip install ticketus `

Create a new Python package inside the virtualenv called ticketus_settings and copy the configuration to it:
` mkdirticketussettings touch ticketus_settings/__init__.py $ cp lib/python*/site-packages/ticketus/local_settings.py.example ticketus_settings/local_settings.py `

Edit the settings and specify at least the database and BASE_DIR (which should be set to the full path to the virtualenv).
Create and populate the database:
` createdbticketus PYTHONPATH=. ticketus-admin init `
Note when running ticketus-admin, you must set PYTHONPATH to the parent directory of where ticketus_settings is located.

Optionally import some data (see [import_scripts/README.md](https://github.com/sjkingo/ticketus/blob/master/import_scripts/README.md) for more information).
Point your WSGI server to ticketus.wsgi, e.g.:
` pipinstallgunicorn gunicorn ticketus.wsgi `

You must point your web server to serve files from static, as gunicorn will not.
If you just wish to bring up the development server quickly for testing, run:

` $ PYTHONPATH=. ticketus-admin runserver `

LDAP authentication
LDAP authentication is available by using the django_auth_ldap3 library. Follow the
[installation instructions](https://github.com/sjkingo/django_auth_ldap3) to set up.

Email gateway
Ticketus provides an email gateway for retrieving emails and importing them as
tickets and comments. Currently there exists a backend for IMAP4 and it can be
run as a cronjob.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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