tilebench 0.12.1

Creator: bradpython12

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tilebench 0.12.1


Inspect HEAD/LIST/GET requests within Rasterio

Source Code: https://github.com/developmentseed/tilebench

Inspect HEAD/GET requests withing Rasterio.
Note: In GDAL 3.2, logging capabilities for /vsicurl, /vsis3 and the like was added (ref: https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/pull/2742).
You can install tilebench using pip
$ python -m pip install -U pip
$ python -m pip install -U tilebench

or install from source:
git clone https://github.com/developmentseed/tilebench.git
cd tilebench

python -m pip install -U pip
python -m pip install -e .

from tilebench import profile
import rasterio

def info(src_path: str):
with rasterio.open(src_path) as src_dst:
return src_dst.meta

meta = info("https://noaa-eri-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/2022_Hurricane_Ian/20221002a_RGB/20221002aC0795145w325100n.tif")

> 2023-10-18T23:00:11.184745+0200 | TILEBENCH | {"HEAD": {"count": 1}, "GET": {"count": 1, "bytes": 32768, "ranges": ["0-32767"]}, "Timing": 0.7379939556121826}

from tilebench import profile
from rio_tiler.io import Reader

def _read_tile(src_path: str, x: int, y: int, z: int, tilesize: int = 256):
with Reader(src_path) as cog:
return cog.tile(x, y, z, tilesize=tilesize)

img = _read_tile(

> 2023-10-18T23:01:00.572263+0200 | TILEBENCH | {"HEAD": {"count": 1}, "GET": {"count": 2, "bytes": 409600, "ranges": ["0-32767", "32768-409599"]}, "Timing": 1.0749869346618652}

Command Line Interface (CLI)
$ tilebench --help
Usage: tilebench [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Command line interface for the tilebench Python package.

--help Show this message and exit.

get-zooms Get Mercator Zoom levels.
profile Profile COGReader Mercator Tile read.
random Get random tile.
viz WEB UI to visualize VSI statistics for a web mercator tile request

$ tilebench get-zooms https://noaa-eri-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/2022_Hurricane_Ian/20221002a_RGB/20221002aC0795145w325100n.tif | jq
"minzoom": 14,
"maxzoom": 19

$ tilebench random https://noaa-eri-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/2022_Hurricane_Ian/20221002a_RGB/20221002aC0795145w325100n.tif --zoom 15

$ tilebench profile https://noaa-eri-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/2022_Hurricane_Ian/20221002a_RGB/20221002aC0795145w325100n.tif --tile 15-9114-13215 --config GDAL_DISABLE_READDIR_ON_OPEN=EMPTY_DIR | jq
"HEAD": {
"count": 1
"GET": {
"count": 2,
"bytes": 409600,
"ranges": [
"Timing": 0.9715230464935303

$ tilebench profile https://noaa-eri-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/2022_Hurricane_Ian/20221002a_RGB/20221002aC0795145w325100n.tif --tile 15-9114-13215 --config GDAL_DISABLE_READDIR_ON_OPEN=FALSE | jq
"HEAD": {
"count": 8
"GET": {
"count": 3,
"bytes": 409600,
"ranges": [
"Timing": 2.1837549209594727

Starlette Middleware
Warning: This is highly experimental and should not be used in production (https://github.com/developmentseed/tilebench/issues/6)
In addition of the viz CLI we added a starlette middleware to easily integrate VSI statistics in your web services.
from fastapi import FastAPI

from tilebench.middleware import VSIStatsMiddleware

app = FastAPI()

The middleware will add a vsi-stats entry in the response headers in form of:
vsi-stats: list;count=1, head;count=1, get;count=2;size=196608, ranges; values=0-65535|65536-196607

Some paths may be excluded from being handeld by the middleware by the exclude_paths argument:
app.add_middleware(VSIStatsMiddleware, exclude_paths=["/foo", "/bar"])

GDAL config options

CPL_TIMESTAMP: Add timings on GDAL Logs
GDAL_DISABLE_READDIR_ON_OPEN: Allow or Disable listing of files in the directory (e.g external overview)
GDAL_INGESTED_BYTES_AT_OPEN: Control how many bytes GDAL will ingest when opening a dataset (useful when a file has a big header)
CPL_VSIL_CURL_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS: Limit valid external files

See the full list at https://gdal.org/user/configoptions.html
Internal tiles Vs Mercator grid
$ tilebench viz https://noaa-eri-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/2022_Hurricane_Ian/20221002a_RGB/20221002aC0795145w325100n.tif --config GDAL_DISABLE_READDIR_ON_OPEN=EMPTY_DIR

Blue lines represent the mercator grid for a specific zoom level and the red lines represent the internal tiles bounds
We can then click on a mercator tile and see how much requests GDAL/RASTERIO does.

Ready to use docker image can be found on Github registry.


docker run \
--volume "$PWD":/data \
--platform linux/amd64 \
--rm -it -p 8080:8080 ghcr.io/developmentseed/tilebench:latest \
tilebench viz --host https://noaa-eri-pds.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/2020_Nashville_Tornado/20200307a_RGB/20200307aC0865700w360900n.tif

Contribution & Development
See contributors for a listing of individual contributors.
0.12.1 (2024-04-18)

fix GET range parsing
add python 3.12 official support

0.12.0 (2024-01-24)

allow tms options in CLI (profile, random and get-zooms) to select TileMatrixSet

0.11.0 (2023-10-18)

update requirements


remove wurlitzer dependency

only use rasterio logs

remove LIST information breaking change

0.10.0 (2023-06-02)

update rio-tiler requirement
fix log parsing when CPL_TIMESTAMP=ON is set

0.9.1 (2023-03-24)

handle dateline crossing dataset and remove pydantic serialization

0.9.0 (2023-03-14)

update pre-commit and fix issue with starlette>=0.26
re-write NoCacheMiddleware as pure ASGI middleware
rename analyse_logs to parse_logs
add python 3.11 support

0.8.2 (2022-11-21)

update hatch config

0.8.1 (2022-10-31)

fix issue with min/max zoom when there is no overviews
calculate windows from block_shapes

0.8.0 (2022-10-25)

update rio-tiler/rasterio dependencies
remove python 3.7 support
add python 3.10 support
add image endpoint to show the data footprint
switch from mapbox to maplibre

0.7.0 (2022-06-14)

add cProfile stats

0.6.1 (2022-04-19)

Remove usage of VSIStatsMiddleware in tilebench viz

0.6.0 (2022-04-19)

switch to pyproject.toml

0.5.1 (2022-03-04)

make sure we don't cache previous request when using tilebench profile without --tile option

0.5.0 (2022-02-28)

update rio-tiler requirement
add reader option

0.4.1 (2022-02-14)

update Fastapi requirement
use WarpedVRT to get dataset bounds in epsg:4326

0.4.0 (2021-12-13)

update rio-tiler's version requirement
add more information about the raster in the Viz web page (author @drnextgis, https://github.com/developmentseed/tilebench/pull/14)
fix bug for latest GDAL/rasterio version
add default STAMEN basemap in viz and remove mapbox token/style options.
update fastapi requirement

0.3.0 (2021-03-05)

add exclude_paths options in VSIStatsMiddleware to exclude some endpoints (author @drnextgis, https://github.com/developmentseed/tilebench/pull/10)
renamed ressources to resources

0.2.1 (2021-02-19)

fix typo in UI

0.2.0 (2021-01-28)

add warp-kernels in output in profile CLI
add rasterio/curl stdout in output
add dataread time in Viz

0.1.1 (2021-01-27)

update requirements

0.1.0 (2021-01-04)

add web UI for VSI stats visualization
add starlette middleware

0.0.2 (2020-12-15)

Update for rio-tiler==2.0.0rc3

0.1.0 (2020-07-13)

Initial release


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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