
Creator: coderz1093

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tinkoff id flutter

tinkoff_id_flutter #
Tinkoff ID Native Android And iOS SDK Flutter Realization
Features #
The plugin allows you:

to receive a set of social tokens from the Tinkoff ID system of Tinkoff Bank.
update token via refreshToken
logout from Tinkoff ID

Getting started #
Android requirements:

minSdkVersion >= 21

Usage #
Add to Info.plist in your app so your app can open Tinkoff Bank App:
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Add to Info.plist in your app so Tinkoff Bank App can open your app with incoming link:
<string>tru</string> /// scheme
<string>redirecturi</string> ///host
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Use all methods of in your app:
class SignInWithTinkoffIdUseCase {
final TinkoffIdFlutter _tinkoffId;


Future<Result<List<String>>> getTokenFromTinkoffId() async {
const redirectUri = "rdu://rduhost";
const clientId = "tid_client_id";

///Init client
await _tinkoffId.init(clientId, redirectUri, false);

///Check whether app installed or not
final bool isAvailable = await _tinkoffId.isTinkoffAuthAvailable();
if (!isAvailable) {
return Result.failure("Tinkoff Bank application not found or not installed.");

///Start listen first link
final appLinkFuture = AppLinks().stringLinkStream.first;

///Launch Tinkoff Bank App
await _tinkoffId.startTinkoffAuth(redirectUri);

///Wait for first incoming link
late final String url;
try {
url = await appLinkFuture.timeout(seconds(120));
} catch (e) {
return Result.failure("120 seconds have passed, but the link has not arrived.");
///Get token from incoming link
late final TokenPayload payload;
try {
payload = await _tinkoffId.getTokenPayload(url);
} on PlatformException catch (e, s) {
return Result.failure("Failed to get token from Tinkoff Bank app: ${e.message!}");

///Update tokens by refreshToken
late final TokenPayload payloadNew;
try {
payloadNew = await _tinkoffId.updateToken(payload.refreshToken);
} on PlatformException catch (e, s) {
return Result.failure("Failed to exchange refresh token for access token: ${e.message!}");

///Sign out by refresh token
final bool success = await _tinkoffId.signOutByRefreshToken(payloadNew.refreshToken);
if (!success) {
return Result.failure("Failed to log out.");

return Result.success([
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Additional information #
For more information, support, or to report bugs or suggest new features.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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