
Creator: coderz1093

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A simple wrapper for dio with response typing and full backward compatibility.
Inspired by chopper.

This package currently in beta. Use it with caution.

Features #

Safe typing of successful and unsuccessful responses.
Expected behavior.
Does not affect basic Dio functionality including other plugins or interceptors.
Simple and familiar Dio like api.
Core concept is receiving a response as either type to utilize the exhaustive pattern.
No external dependencies.

Basic usage:
// ignore_for_file: avoid_print
import 'package:dio/dio.dart';
import 'package:tio/tio.dart';

class User {
User.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) : id = json['id'] as int;

final int id;

class MyError {
const MyError.fromString(this.errorMessage);

const MyError.empty() : errorMessage = 'Unknown message';

MyError.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)
: errorMessage = json['message'] as String;

final String errorMessage;

const factoryConfig = TioFactoryConfig<MyError>(
// Factory for error transformation
errorGroup: TioFactoryGroup(
// when response body is empty (or empty string)
empty: TioEmptyFactory(MyError.empty),
string: TioStringFactory(MyError.fromString), // string
json: TioJsonFactory(MyError.fromJson), // or json

final dio = Dio();
final tio = Tio<MyError>(
dio: dio, // Tio uses dio under the hood
factoryConfig: factoryConfig,

Future<TioResponse<User, MyError>> getUser(int id) =>

Future<TioResponse<List<User>, MyError>> getUsers() =>

Future<TioResponse<User, MyError>> updateUser(int id, String name) =>
tio.post<User>('/users/$id', data: {'name': name}).one();

Future<TioResponse<String, MyError>> geString() =>

void main() async {
switch (await getUser(1)) {
case TioSuccess<User, MyError>(result: final user):
print('user id is ${user.id}');
case TioFailure<User, MyError>(error: final error):
print('error acquired ${error.errorMessage}');
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Guide #
Tio mirrors the common methods of Dio such as get, post, put etc. but returns proxy object as a result that might be transformed by additional methods like one(), many(), string() etc.
Future<TioResponse<User, MyError>> getUser(int id) =>

Future<TioResponse<List<User>, MyError>> getUsers() =>

Future<TioResponse<User, MyError>> updateUser(int id, String name) =>
tio.post<User>('/users/$id', data: {'name': name}).one();

Future<TioResponse<String, MyError>> getString() =>
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Using TioApi helper class [Optional]
class UserApi extends TioApi<MyError> {
UserApi({required super.tio}) : super(path: '/users');

Future<TioResponse<User, MyError>> getUser(int id) =>

Future<TioResponse<List<User>, MyError>> getUsers() =>
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How Tio knows that response is unsuccessful?
With the Options.validateStatus property.
Tio transforms any DioException with type badResposce into an ErrorT then returns TioFailure<..., ErrorT> instead of throwing an exception.
Tips & Tricks
Alias usage to slightly reduce code size.
typedef MyResponse<T> = TioResponse<T, MyError>;

Future<MyResponse<User>> getUser(int id) =>
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Check tests for additional usage info.
Initially this library was created for personal usage.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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