
Creator: coderz1093

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tizen log

tizen_log #

A Flutter plugin which provides the ability to use Tizen dlog logging service.
Getting Started #
To use this package, add tizen_log as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
tizen_log: ^0.1.2
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Simple logging #
const logTag = 'TEST';
Log.verbose(logTag, 'verbose message');
Log.debug(logTag, 'debug message');
Log.info(logTag, 'info message');
Log.warn(logTag, 'warn message');
Log.error(logTag, 'error message');
Log.fatal(logTag, 'fatal message');
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Customizing logs #
To add file name, function name and line number to logs, use --dart-define=DEBUG_MODE=true flag:
$ flutter-tizen run --dart-define=DEBUG_MODE=true
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To override file name, function name or line number in logs, use additional parameters in function calls:
const logTag = 'TEST';
Log.warn(logTag, 'warn message', file: 'main');
Log.error(logTag, 'error message', func: 'constructor');
Log.fatal(logTag, 'fatal message', line: 1111);
Log.fatal(logTag, 'fatal message', file: 'main', line: 1234);
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Viewing logs #
To view logs use the following command:
$ sdb dlog TEST # Replace TEST with your log tag.
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Supported devices #

Galaxy Watch series (running Tizen 4.0 or later)


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