
Creator: coderz1093

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Toaster Next #

A package used for displaying toasts. The main benefits of this package over other ones are:

more customizeable: Use the default toasts, or create your own toasts.
more flexibility: Toasts are generic enough to be applied for all usecases; error, warning, success... or create your own
easily testable: Toaster uses a simple to mock API, so you can easily mock it in tests.
easy to use: Add the Toaster widget to the widget tree, then begin adding toasts. Easy and simple.

Quickstart #
Refrence the example to see it in action.
quick setup:

add the Toaster to your widget tree with Toaster.mount:

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
title: 'Toaster Demo',
theme: ThemeData(
home: Toaster.mount(child: const Scaffold(body: AddToasts())),
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Then, use the Toaster:

message: 'Im a message',
type: warningToast
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All done!
Different Toast Types #
Out of the box, warningToast, successToast, and errorToast are given. If you'd like to use toasts for other usecases
(infoToast? notificationToast?) just create your own instance of toastType, like so:
final infoToast = ToastType(
icon: const Icon(,
size: ToastType.defaultToastIconSize,
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this will customize the toast when you pass it into toaster.of(context).add. This seperates the toast styling from
the toast themselves, so we can utilize the same widget for different occasions (like errors, sucesses or warnings).
Toast events #
toasts have two event hooks: onDismiss, and toastAction. onDismiss is called when the toast is dismissed; when the
user manually closes it, when the action is clicked, or when the toast expires. toastAction is triggered when the action button
on the toast is clicked; this is useful for confirmations; for example, if the user is about to do a destructive action, you can
show a toast that confirms that the user is going to do it when they click on the action.
onClick: toaster.of(context).add(Toast(
type: warningToast,
message: 'are you sure you want to do destructive action?',
action: ToastAction(
action: destructiveActionHandler,
text: 'yes, im sure'
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See the docs on the exposed types for more details and options.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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