
Creator: coderz1093

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todo as issue

📝 TODOasIssue #

Summary #



Setting up todo.json
3.1. Required fields for GitHub
3.2. Required fields for GitLab

Setting up todo.txt


Project architecture

Supported platforms


Description #
From a list of TODOs to a list of issues on your GitHub or GitLab repository.
[~]: "This is my first TODO";
[]: "This is my second TODO";
[]: "This is my third TODO" "And it also has a body text";
[]: "This is my last TODO" "And it has a body text" {"label1", "label2"};
copied to clipboard
GitHub and Gitlab projects can have issues created by developers / users to report errors, bugs and etcetera. The idea of building TODOasIssue is to automate the creation of issues locally by writing everything that you need in a simple text file and publishing it to your GitHub / GitLab project without even opening your browser to do that.
Installation #
First of all, you need to have Dart installed on your computer. See Dart documentation. After that, run the following command:
dart pub global activate todo_as_issue
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Now you have TodoAsIssue installed.
Setting up todo.json #
On your project root folder, create a file called todo.json and paste the content below:
"repo_name_github": "YOUR_GITHUB_REPOSITORY_NAME",
"repo_id_gitlab": "YOUR_GITLAB_PROJECT_ID",
copied to clipboard
In platform field, you can use github or gitlab.
See the image below from my URL bar that will teach you how to identify your owner and repo_name_github fields:

After that, you can create a file called todo.txt in the project root folder to insert all your TODOs. For more informations and examples about how to create a TODO file, go here.
Required fields for GitHub #

owner: Your GitHub username
repo_name_github: Your repository name
platform: It should be github
github_token: Your private access token. See GitHub Docs

Leave the remaining ones empty (empty string).
Required fields for GitLab #

repo_id_gitlab: Your repository id
platform: It should be gitlab
gitlab_token: Your private access token. See GitLab Docs

You can leave the remaining one empty because each platform will only its required fields.
WARNING: Insert this file todo.json on your .gitignore in order to keep your informations safe, especially your private token.
Setting up todo.txt #
In the description, you have a pretty clear example on how to structure
your todo.txt. In this section I just want to mention a couple things.
First of all, each issue can have a title, body and a labels. title is required, but
body and labels are not, however you need to respect the order. For example:
[]: "Title of issue" "Body of issue" {"label1", "label2"};
copied to clipboard
The example above is valid because labels are placed after body.
[]: "Title of issue" {"label1", "label2"} "Body of issue";
copied to clipboard
The example above is invalid because labels are placed before body. This order is
Usage #
After setting up TodoAsIssue, go to your project's root directory and run the following command:
copied to clipboard
That command will look for todo.json and todo.txt on project's root directory.
Project architecture #

lib/api: Code that is related to the API's communication.

lib/api/api.dart: Class for calling method to create issues
lib/api/github.dart: Class for implementing the communication with GitHub's API to create an issue.
lib/api/gitlab.dart: Class for implementing the communication with GitLab's API to create an issue.
Extracting some methods on API communication code - lib/api/opensource_platform.dart: Interface for any open source platform that I may want to create in the future.
./lib/api/successful_status.dart: Class for getting successful message based on issue counter.

lib/core: Code that is common across all the source code.

lib/core/http_client: Implementation of an HTTP client

lib/core/http_client/http_client_interface.dart: Interface for any HTTP client that I may want to create in the future. This is useful because my code will not be dependent
lib/core/http_client/http_client.dart: Implementation of an HTTP Client using http package.
lib/core/http_client/http_status.dart: An enum for representing different types of HTTP status code.


lib/core/errors/api_exceptions: File for defining all exceptions related to API communication.
lib/core/errors/lexer_exceptions.dart: File for defining all exceptions related to the lexer.
lib/core/errors/parser_exceptions.dart: File for defining all exceptions related to the parser.

lib/lexer: Tool for converting a text file into a list of tokens

lib/lexer/lexer.dart: Implementation of lexer (tokenizer)
lib/lexer/position.dart: Class for managing cursor and line positions
lib/lexer/tokens.dart: Class for representing a token and an enum to represent a token kind.

lib/parser: Tool for converting a list of tokens into a list of TODOs

lib/parser/parser.dart: Class for converting a list of tokens (generated by the lexer) into a list of TODOs
lib/parser/issue.dart: Class for representing an issue object.

lib/utils: Utility code

lib/utils/configuration.dart: Data class for representing todo.json.
lib/utils/endpoints.dart: Important endpoints
lib/utils/reader.dart: Helper class for reading importants files (todo.json and todo.txt)

test: Folder for storing all tests

test/mocks/: Folder for defining some mocks for helping me to test the code.

test/mocks/configuration_mock.dart: File for storing a mock object of Configuration.
test/mocks/todo_mocks.dart: File for storing a list of mock TODOs.

test/api_test.dart: Unit test for API communication.
test/lexer_test.dart: Unit test for lexer
test/parser_test.dart: Unit test for parser

Supported platforms #

Linux: Working properly on Manjaro Arch Linux and Ubuntu.
Windows: It might work, but it was not tested.
macOS: It might work, but it was not tested.

License #
This project is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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