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tonder sdk lite

Tonder SDK #
Tonder SDK Lite to integrate REST service
Required #
If you are deploying to Android, edit your AndroidManifest.xml file to add the Internet permission.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
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Likewise, if you are deploying to macOS, edit your macos/Runner/DebugProfile.entitlements and macos/Runner/Release.entitlements files to include the network client entitlement.
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Installation #
You can install using Flutter
flutter pub add tonder_sdk_lite
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Or by adding
tonder_sdk_lite: ^0.0.1
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And import
import 'package:tonder_sdk_lite/network/liteCheckout.dart';
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Example #
LiteCheckout sdkTonder = LiteCheckout('', '00d17d61e9240c6e0611fbdb1558e636ed6389db');
await sdkTonder.getBussiness()
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Methods #
Future<GetBusinessResponse> getBusiness(){}
Future<CustomerRegisterResponse> customerRegister(String email){}
Future<CreateOrderResponse> createOrder(CreateOrderRequest order){}
Future<CreatePaymentResponse> createPayment(CreatePaymentRequest paymentItems){}
Future<StartCheckoutResponse> startCheckoutRouter(StartCheckoutRequest routerData){}
Future<GetVaultTokenResponse> getVaultToken(){}
Future<RegisterCustomerCardResponse> registerCustomerCard(String customerToken, RegisterCustomerCardRequest data){}
Future<GetCustomerCardsResponse> getCustomerCards(String customerToken, String query){}
Future<GetCustomerCardsResponse> deleteCustomerCard({required String customerToken, String skyflowId = ''}){}
Future<String?> getOpenpayDeviceSessionID(OpenpayKeys openpayKeys){}
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For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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