
Creator: coderz1093

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Tonic #

Tonic is a Flutter-compatible
Dart package that models components of music theory.
Installation #
1. Add the following to your pubspec.yaml
tonic: any
copied to clipboard
2. Run pub get
Usage #
See the API docs.
Examples #
import 'package:tonic/tonic.dart';

main() {
// Hemholtz and Scientific pitch notation

// Unicode and ASCII sharps and flats
print(Pitch.parse('C#4') == Pitch.parse('C#4')); // => true
print(Pitch.parse('Cb4') == Pitch.parse('Cb4')); // => true

// Enharmonic equivalents
print(Pitch.parse('E♯4').midiNumber == Pitch.parse('F4').midiNumber); // => true
print(Pitch.parse('E4').midiNumber == Pitch.parse('F♭4').midiNumber); // => true
print(Pitch.parse('E♯4') == Pitch.parse('F4')); // => false
print(Pitch.parse('E4') == Pitch.parse('F♭4')); // => false

print(Pitch.parse('C4').octave); // => 5
print(Pitch.parse('C4').midiNumber); // => 60
print(new Pitch.fromMidiNumber(60)); // => C4
print(new Pitch.fromMidiNumber(60).helmholtzName); // => c'

// Intervals
print(Interval.m3.semitones); // => 3
print(Interval.M3.semitones); // => 4
print(Interval.A3.semitones); // => 5
print(Interval.d4.semitones); // => 4
print(Interval.P4.semitones); // => 5
print(Interval.A4.semitones); // => 6
print(Interval.M3.number); // => 3
print(Interval.M3.qualityName); // => "M"

// Interval arithmetic
print(Interval.M3 + Interval.m3); // => P5
print(Interval.m3 + Interval.M3); // => P5
print(Interval.m3 + Interval.m3); // => d5
print(Interval.M3 + Interval.M3); // => A5

print(Pitch.parse('C4') + Interval.M3); // => E4
print(Pitch.parse('C4') + Interval.A3); // => E♯4
print(Pitch.parse('C4') + Interval.d4); // => F♭4
print(Pitch.parse('C4') + Interval.P4); // => F4

print(Pitch.parse('C4') - Pitch.parse('C4')); // => P1
print(Pitch.parse('D4') - Pitch.parse('C4')); // => M2
print(Pitch.parse('E4') - Pitch.parse('C4')); // => M3
print(Pitch.parse('E♯4') - Pitch.parse('C4')); // => A3
print(Pitch.parse('F♭4') - Pitch.parse('C4')); // => d4
print(Pitch.parse('F4') - Pitch.parse('C4')); // => P4

// Chords
print(Chord.parse('E Major'));
print(ChordPattern.parse('Dominant 7th')); // => Dom 7th
print(ChordPattern.fromIntervals([Interval.P1, Interval.M3, Interval.P5])); // => Major
print(ChordPattern.fromIntervals([Interval.P1, Interval.m3, Interval.P5])); // => Minor
print(ChordPattern.fromIntervals([Interval.P1, Interval.m3, Interval.P5, Interval.m7])); // => Min 7th

// Scales
final scalePattern = ScalePattern.findByName('Diatonic Major');
print(scalePattern.intervals); // => [P1, M2, M3, P4, P5, M6, M7]
print(scalePattern.modes['Dorian'].intervals); // => [P1, M2, m3, P4, P5, M6, m7]

final scale ='E4'));
print(scale.intervals); // => [P1, M2, M3, P4, P5, M6, M7]
print(scale.pitchClasses); // => [E4, F♯4, G♯4, A4, B4, C♯5, D♯5]

// Instruments and fret fingerings
final chord = Chord.parse('E Major');
final instrument = Instrument.Guitar;
print(bestFrettingFor(chord, instrument)); // => 022100
copied to clipboard
More examples can be found in the tests in test/*_test.dart.
Other Versions #

Dart 1.x. Version
0.1.1 of this library is
compatible with Dart 1.x.
TypeScript. This (Dart) package is ported from
tonic.ts, for TypeScript.

License #


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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