
Creator: coderz1093

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top alert notification

top_alert_notification #
Welcome to the top alert notification widget #
Flutter snackbars and toast widgets only show at the bottom of the main application out of the box. This is a customizable framework to allow a top alert to show when needed, as well as being able to dismiss the alert as required.
Features #

Custom onTap VoidCallback to allow for the overlay to exicute funcontality
Swipe up to dismiss
Optional closeOnX icon to show in the right side to dismiss
Custom color background for view
Supports taking a widget as the child

Future plans #

Expand the view to be flexible height
Allow more dynamic widgets to be child of the overlay
Work through any navigation issues to auto remove the overlay

Getting Started #

Add top_alert_notification: 0.0.1 to the pubspec.yaml file
Run flutter pub get to include the package
Add import 'package:import 'package:top_alert_notification/top_alert_notification.dart';
Create new object with the BuildContext and child widgets to show. Then call .showTopAlert() to show the alert or .dismissTopAlert() to remove the alert

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